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"Are you going to speak it up, or should I initiate the topic?" I heard Samaira talking from beside me. As promised, she had brought extra tiffin with her also might have heard the rumours spreading in every corner. "I wished I could have heard it from my bestie than a mere stranger." I sighed. She wasn't going to leave the topic. I had brushed it off many times from yesterday, but finally, she was hellbent to bring those words out.

"Do you think I overreacted? I shouldn't have said those things. Who am I to judge people? But I judged those girls... I..." Those were the thoughts roaming in my mind from past incidents. I could have not spoken those words. I could have managed my anger. "Oh, my! Often I speak bullshit in anger." Confessing my inner guilt, I never enjoy hurting people. He had humiliated me. Despite that, it felt bad.

I was staring at her straight to get some answers from her; she shook her head. "I can't believe after everything you feel you hadn't reacted. If I was there, I might have even slapped him." She rolled her eyes at me and patting my shoulder. "Chill, whatever you might have done he deserved a thousand per cent more." That comment, with a taste of disgust, made me smile. I knew, I was gifted with many protected shields in my life and she too was one of them. People when got close to me define me as a child and desired to protect me in any manner they could. I knew I was innocent and maybe I knew no defence skills to protect me but still, I was mature and I could take care of myself. But it often filled my heart with delight whenever someone protected me, it indicated that they care and it was an awesome feeling.

Later the day was pretty good, as my mood was shifted from the previous day events. I had moved on from it when during our English lecture, our class teacher, as in the lady who teaches us Science interrupted the class. It wasn't something new, many times we were interrupted and we enjoy some bonus free minutes. Soon students started talking among themselves while obedient children like me, planned to complete the note before it brushed off from the board.

"Students! Listen," Mrs Gupta spoke. I was darting from her to board, providing both with equal attention. "Is Ms Ruhi Raichand present?" And she pulled my entire attention. Why was she asking for me? She was going to repeat my name again as I slowly stood from my seat. She smiled on getting my view, her black big orbs were shining in delight under her thick round glasses. "Come outside, need to talk with you." I nodded, not bothering to look at my equally confused friend. It seemed strange to move out as others attention was on me and thousands of questions pondering my brain. Why would Mrs Gupta call me? We had no test latterly! I could think of only one reason that was ending up with below-average marks for her subject.

As we were finally out of the class, I closed the door behind me. She stopped just outside the door. "You had participated in a dancing competition, right?" She inquired, and I nodded in agreement. "Unfortunately, some were disqualified and previous members were selected but a un usual incident happened with one for the dancer and you are chosen as a replacement." She paused waiting for an anticipated response. What was she uttering, first I wasn't disqualified I backed off! Okay, that sounds horrible but whatever, second who was even the previous member? And third, why was I the one chosen? Out of the whole school!

"I know this is an important year and my class students are concentrating on their studies but I will say if you're getting the opportunity, you should grab it. This will mark some extra performance in your end result. There is a scholarship provided to the student participating, you should grab it. And plus, you have no option, I had been told you're a promising dancer and I am not taking a no for an answer." She smiled, again waiting for my answer. What was even left? she had clearly mentioned it. I gave a slight nod, how even I could deny it? I had no excuse to provide her with, my mind was startled enough to come up with some excuse.

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