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The remaining hours were passed with one subject followed by others. Some lessons were better while others forced us not to sleep. It was time for the break and soon students left the class as the bell rang.

"So?" Samaira asked as we made our way out of the class. "We need to inform our parents about our new plans." She was referring to the extra time we would spend in the boring building but it was no longer suffering. I would be doing something that I love the most.

"Yes," I nodded. "Also informing, I won't be able to visit granny." A smile crossed my lip and Samaira grin listening to it.

"Was this the real motive behind accepting my plead?" I giggled and it was confirmed she was correct. "I thought, you love me." Making a fake crying face, I wrapped my hand around her shoulder.

"Stop acting dramatic, Samy..." I rolled my eyes at her behaviour as we make our way towards the cafeteria. Mom could never have enough time to spare me tiffin so we often end up in the cafeteria and it wasn't something bad. People claimed the school canteen was worse but we were fortunate enough to get something tasty to savor our tongue with.

"What are you going to have?" She asked, removing money from her pocket, I  followed her action.

"Chicken roll," handed her my money. As among us she was most talkative and never mind buying food, she often ended up doing it. She even had more friends than me, with one she was talking, as she walked to the counter. Her black long hairs were pulled in braids, with her height higher than mine. She had a sweet smile never leaving her face and a friendly nature that attracted others to her.

I moved my eyes to glance if we had any vacant seats, it never was the case. Students were fast enough to walk into the cafeteria as the bell rang, processing serious talent. I guess! Each table was filled with many individuals, none I could recognize. How would I? They were from different classes and years, half of the school was present under one room.

"Done!" I heard Samaira, as she stood before me. Slowly looking in the direction I was staring, a hand waved towards her. And I knew the person, he was a year older than us. Her neighbor, they both were good friends according to Samaira. If you ask me, I would claim more than a friend.

We were on the verge to walk out when we heard him calling. "Wait! Samy." I told you more than a friend. As she allowed him to call her by the name given by me. I hate it! I glared at her, she provided me with a sheepish smile.

"Hi! Varun," no you didn't miss her shy smile with slight pink covering her cheek. I shook my head, "how are you?" She asked trying to erase her nervousness.

The boy standing before us was what could define attractive. His leather black jacket covering his body, his messy hair towering over his forehead, and sweat forming in, defining him attractive. But! Sorry, I would only label him one of the popular bad boys our school had.

"Did you participated?" Suddenly, I got interested in their conversation. "Are you in?" He questioned, his black orbs seemed pleading.

"Yes," Samaira provided him with her toothy smile, making certain that her teeth were shiny.

"You're the best, Samaira." With that she was pulled in a hug, I gasped in horror. Was it happening for real? Was that 'good for nothing guy giving her attention? Was my conception about him wrong? Wait! Was the participating thing was about a dance competition. I glanced at my friend, who seemed startled by his act as he pulled her away. "You have been a huge help, thanks a lot Samy." He continued, pulling her cheek.

"It was nothing, I wanted to participate." Now! I surely doubt her statement. Was it all for that Varun! Man, I hate him so much. Okay! You got it I am overprotective and possessive towards my friend.

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