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"Oops! Was the cry baby in tears?" One from the crowd mocked me. I couldn't find any familiar face and the blurred vision wasn't helping in any manner. I rubbed tears off my eyes. Their insult was further shattering me, causing to fury overpower me as well. The strong emotion burst my heart as a result, more tears accumulating in my eyes.

"Oh! Aren't you aware?" Mia spoke, pulling the entire crowd's attention towards her. She took a step forward, her arms folding around her chest. The rage radiating from those hazel orbs. No longer does it define beauty but danger. She was burning in envy. "Those tears are solid weapons to attract people. Especially attractive guys." She muttered, gritting her teeth.

"Oh! The naïve girl knows the trick." Blabbered a person from the crowd. Their accusation amazed me. Should I be confused or infuriated? As nothing was making sense.

"I hadn't liked you roaming around my brother." Mia came directly to the point. Leaning in such a manner at our face could be on the same level. "I had no say in it as my brother was completely whipped." Her head shook in displeasure, annoyed with her defeat. "Don't you fucking try to jump between us!" Her finger pointed in warning, eyes staring straight into mine. "I won't spare you if I find you anywhere close to Ehaan." Her voice was low yet scary.

I stared at her, bewildered. Was she gesturing about the incident took place in the corridor? I knew it would get in her ears. But hadn't anticipated she would act in such a manner. Warning me! Why would I ever try to come in between them? I wasn't some antagonist in their beautiful love story.

"You're having it wrong," I opposed. I felt a need to justify myself, I couldn't let her have misconceptions about me.

"Don't you dare to..." With those words, she grabbed my chin tightly. What the! Exasperation had to cloud my senses. Every incident troubling me overwhelmed me. I glared at her. "Lie to me!" She spat it on my face.

I jerked her hand away, staring at her with clear displeasure. She had a huge disliking towards me without any valid reason. "I am not lying!" Screaming it loud enough to get in her cognitive system. "I have no interest in your boyfriend." I pushed her away, she stumbled. Not expecting my counter back. She felt I would take in her words without sprinkling them back on her. And even if I was getting attracted towards him it was none of her concern. He won't ever reciprocate it.

I got on my foot, dusting the invisible dust from my skirts. Glaring at each person present as they were showering their disgust on me. No longer, I was bothered with their concluding eyes. They had arrived at the decision that I was the most insane creature ever. Resting my gaze on the leader of the gang. "And if you hold any feeling towards him, be brave enough to trust him as well." I continued. She squinted her eyes as she found my words unbelievable. Or was it, really? I shook my head. "Don't go wandering around with your warning. This only makes you insecure in the eyes of the rest." Pointing at the crowd, I walked away from her as well as her annoying gang.

Damn! From when I started humiliating people? Wasn't I the person who never voiced hurtful words? With each step away, I was feeling more guilty. For a second I wished, I could walk back and ask for forgiveness. She might have wounded me but if I acted the same. Weren't we both on the same page? I pressed my forehead in frustration, wandering into one of the washrooms. On my way I heard a shout, someone was yelling my name. It sounded familiar but I wasn't in a state to initiate another conversation. I was in a need of space! I needed to handle my emotions before I burst out in front of a random stranger.

Getting inside and glancing around, hoping it to be vacant. I stood before the sink, as I splashed water on my face, rapidly. With a hope that would erase every trace of my tears. I rubbed my face, glancing at the mirror before me. My eyes swallow, red. My face was getting paled and I was frowning. I forced a smile, but it never reached my lip.

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