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As I entered inside my wonderland, my home. I heard some shuffling taking place in the kitchen. I shook my head. Mom had ended up early once again. After I had ignored my lunch for almost a week and had ended up admitted to the hospital. Mom had to look after it that I had my food on the prescribed time mentioned by the doctor. She would end up early before lunch, I was troubling her so much. I was going to silently slip into my room but mom's conversation on the phone grabbed my attention.

"I had found the tutor." I widen my eyes in surprise. Within one day, how did she manage to grab a tutor for me? Was she so exceptional in her work?

"Was it necessary! She will hate it." Dad uttered from another hand. The phone was on speaker as mom was busy preparing some dishes. His words delighted my heart. He could understand me better than anyone existing on the planet.

"But it necessary! She can't keep loading herself with those stressors." She mentioned not backing off. I shook my head, none could win from her. Slowly made my way towards my room leaving them to argue on it further. Preparing myself for the upcoming tutor.

I had dressed into comfortable pair of trousers and a t-shirt, one having Jerry imprinted on it. Not caring a tutor would see me on it and claim that surely I wasn't a 10th student. I cared less about his or her opinion!

"I had seen a tutor for you, and he will reach soon." She mentioned grabbing a seat beside me on the couch. I was busy digging from my chocolate bowl, watching my favourite cartoon show. At moments a bowl of chocolate with binge-watching favourite cartoon could be such a relief.

"Hmm..." I nodded least interested in the conversation. He! What on the earth? I hope, he won't be strict like my maths professor. Couldn't mom search for a woman? They would be more friendly than intimidated men.

"I know... I had forced you for it but it was..." the bell rang forcing her to shut her mouth. I was glad that it did.

"Door," displaying it directly that I won't be so easily convinced. I was going to shower her with silent treatment for a much longer period. I was more irritated as Mr Stalker hadn't answered my message, how could he ignore me? Taking another spoon full of chocolate in fury.

The knob of the door was opened, my eyes planted on the person going to enter. Mom greeted the person as if he was her long-forgotten friend. I couldn't have a clear view as mom was blocking my sight. And soon enough she asked him to enter, sliding slowly. My eyes widen in surprise, jaw dropped in amazement. Spoon suspended between my teeth, the cold ice slowly melting in my mouth. I rubbed my eyes, to assure it wasn't my mind playing a trick with me.

"Come, Ehaan..." I heard mom, welcoming him and no doubt was left. What was he doing in my house? Mom won't call him. He had come for some other reason. I gulped the ice cream inside as I found his brown stern orbs flickering on me and not daring to move off. His orbs examined my every figure, the glint of amusement settling on its orbs before transforming to blankness a minute later.

"Have a seat, I will bring you something." Mom offered but he was quick to deny.

"No aunty, it's fine." He muttered averting his gaze from me.

"No! Just have a cup of coffee..." Mom urged causing Ehaan to agree. Mom soon rushed into the kitchen, I was rooted in my place. As Ehaan kept walking towards me to grab a place to sit on. I wasn't able to pull my thoughts together. Why would he even visit us? I wanted to run towards mom but it was getting difficult to must a step from my couch. There was silence prevailing around us other than the sounds coming from the cartoon playing on the screen.

Oh my! He caught me watching cartoons. Why did I have to act least bothered? I wanted to hide my face in my palm but he would catch me being ashamed of myself.

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