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Soon she pulled from me. "Will take a leave, you take care and don't take any shit from that idiot." I pressed a smile at her, giving her a small nod. I had to pull myself back into the auditorium. Dancing never felt so stressful!

I shook my head, preparing myself to stand as Samaira had left. I needed to walk early, as Ehaan would come up with each new step. Navya, the one who taught me steps, had asked me to come early if possible. Carrying some snacks from the cafeteria, I made my way directly to the auditorium.

She passed a smile as I walked in. The girl was punctual and the only person who seemed serious about the competition. She provided a helping hand for anyone who was bothered with steps and must add an amazingly skilled dancer. I liked her politeness and patience level. She never got annoyed with anyone.

"So, what's today's step?" I inquired, placing my backpack on one of the seats. Not holding my frustration back, she chuckled.

"Hmm... this one is going to be easy. You just have to..." and with it, she started explaining the steps. Few minutes passed and we both were engrossed in dancing. Having a sip of milkshake frequently. I had grown comfortable with her and the only person I talked to other than Anuj.

"Hey! Guys!" With that we heard him, followed by the rest of his gang. Much to my amazement Varun joined them as well. I shouldn't be shocked but I couldn't help due to the drama that happened during the day. I looked away as they all were suspiciously staring at me.

"I think we have done for today, bye..." Saying so she disappeared to one of her friends who just entered. I took a bite of my sandwich, my stomach was groaning and it needed some food. Concentrating on sandwiches was a better distraction than glimpsing at 'not so nice'  people.

I stood there shifting from one leg to another not understanding how to ignore highly popular individuals. At that minute my eyes landed on the only window present in the auditorium and I slowly made my way towards it. I could feel more people busting inside, but ignoring the chores I concentrated on my mission.

I had slowly got used to hanging alone and almost making myself comfortable in a group of strangers. No longer I could label them all strangers maybe I knew some of them by name yet according to me, they were strangers. I stared out of the window, standing on the highest floor was amusing as well as risking. Falling from such height wasn't a desirable one! I shook my head at such rubbish thoughts! My mind could ponder anything and anywhere!

Suddenly I heard someone clear his throat and I looked at the person, baffled. Why was Varun standing next to me? I stared at him with a questioning look. "Hmm... sorry to disturb but... actually..." he stroked his black hair in nervousness. Though I hadn't known him for long yet I hadn't seen him ever nervous. He had his posture collected, calm least bothered to showcase any emotion. He still seemed exhausted as if hadn't rested for few days, somewhere I felt concerned towards him. Maybe my heart was reasoning Ehaan's behaviour but a more logical part of me wasn't going to be convinced.

"Is she fine?" His eyes were radiating concern. I stared at him a little longer, I doubted his intention. It wasn't that easy to trust! I gave a slight nod, he opened his mouth but a minute later closed it. "Hmm... tell her. She doesn't need to hold herself for me, I am not going to provide her with any presence of mine." With those words, he turned and walked away. Slowly moving from the auditorium as well.

I kept staring at his retreating figure. Had he closed himself off for Samaira? Did he care about her opinions? Distancing himself from his friends so Samaira could enjoy them with hers. Was Ehaan's blame correct? Was I responsible for everything? I could sense an intense gaze on me and moved to glance at the source. He stood on the stage, glaring at me. What more he wanted? He had turned my life, so complicated! Everything was so messed up! My life was pretty simple before he entered, I glared at him back. Annoyed, frustrated, messed with myself and him.

His glare enlarged if it was even possible, tears threatening to pull down my orbs.

"What are you even girl, my every friend is so much interested in you." I heard an amused voice coming from Zara. Soon heard footsteps heading towards me. I wasn't in a condition of more humiliation. I needed a break from everything happening around me!

"She can grab attention with the innocence she holds." It was Anuj speaking, I pushed back my tears. I wasn't going to end up crying in front of them, gifting them to humiliate me further. "That's the reason, I call her miss innocent." I could feel him winking, yet I kept my head down.

"Hello! Are you fine?" Suddenly realising my condition he asked. I nodded and slowly looked at him and then at Zara. Though Zara seemed least bothered, concerned passed Anuj's orbs. "You better be!" He warned not to sound scary at all, he could never be scary.

"So what was he talking about?" He inquired, I thought for a second. Would repeating those words be desirable? They were his friends! 

"He won't trouble Samaira with his presence," I mumbled but it resulted in a huge response from Zara.

"What the fuck!" I widen my eyes, she was cursing. "He would ignore us for her sake! Who is she even? Above us? I am not going to leave that asshole..." Zara was on the verge to rush may be to kill him but Anuj grabbed her by her wrist. "AJ! Just leave me I am not in a mood for nonsense. How dare he!"

"Cool down, boxer!" He tried to calm her down. She seemed an angry, violent animal. How come they all were so scary except Anuj. Maybe he too was but I hadn't witnessed his that shade. "We need to handle the situation calmly." He urged her.

"What's happening over there?" I heard a loud yell coming from Ehaan. Surely Zara loud shout had grabbed everyone's attention. I could feel the whole auditorium was half packed, even Rudr and Mia had entered. Rudr eyes showered with concern as he looked from Zara and Anuj towards me. While Mia was staring at us suspiciously accompanied with pissed off Ehaan.

"Nothing..." Suddenly Zara muttered, handling herself. Seeing she calmed down, Anuj loosen his grip over her. She soon walked out of the auditorium, Anuj was least bothered to follow her. She might have gone to Varun!

"Don't worry she won't trouble him." As if he could listen to my thoughts. "But you will have to help me with this ship." He spoke indicating Varun and Samaira. "Both are big asshole..." I twisted my nose in disgust, how could they curse so easily? "What?" He was stunned, "Asshole?" He repeated the words, and I glared at him. "Oh my! Don't tell me you don't like cursing. My poor miss innocent, what am I going to do of you?" He had the teasing smile playing on her lip.

What did he mean by it? Why would he had to do anything with me? I narrowed my eyes at him and chose to walk away. "Come on! Are you going to ignore me because I cursed?" I could sense him smirking. "Asshole!" He shouted loudly and I turned glaring at him hard, he better stop.

He laughed loudly, wrapping his hand around my shoulder. Pulling my cheeks with his other hand. "I am going to spoil you so much." He chuckled with his own not so rewarding thoughts. I never adored people in my close proximity so easily but his vibes screamed comfort as if I knew he won't harm me. And I very much didn't know why I felt such?

"Stop it!" I whispered yelled at him as I knew we had the audience around us much to my surprise the biggest audience was the devil, himself. He was staring at us with those darker shades of brown as if we were the most interesting creature on the entire planet. Something in me shouted, he wasn't liking it at all. Maybe my friendship with his friend was bothering him also we hanging out during practice sessions. 

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