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Though I would not let him drive me home, the dark surrounding was scaring me more. The ride was met with silence, with music playing in the background. Surely he had a taste of much loud music. I wasn't complaining, but I appreciated calm, heart connecting songs. The tone playing on his speaker seemed a collection of party one.

Couldn't blame him for his personality. Those dark black jackets plus dark jeep went along with the combination playing on the speaker and not to forget the high speed he was driving. Had he gotten the license? Most students loved to break traffic rules, as well as safety ones. I was never among them!

"Which side?" He questioned on reaching the route I mentioned.

"Right from here." We were a few blocks away from my house. "We reached!" He pushed the brake. I glanced at my small house. Lights emitted from it, confirming my doubt that my parents had arrived.

"Thanks," I mumbled getting out of the jeep.

I was on the verge to leave when his words halted me. "Shouldn't you be calling me inside?" The smirk playing on his lips, he was teasing. I stood there dumbfounded!

"I..." I was stammering, nervous. I couldn't ask him to visit my house nor deny it directly. "Actually... I... mean... my parents they..."

"Ruhi!" I heard mom yelling my name. Oh! Please, not now! I wasn't ready for their introduction. What would I introduce them as? I turned to find mom rushing towards me. "You're home?" She asked, amazed. Her spying eyes landed on the person on the jeep.

"Hi! Aunty," getting hesitated with her continuous stare, Ehaan greeted her.

"Hi! Why don't you join us for dinner? It would be great to have Ruhi's new friend home." Mom was grinning widely at Ehaan. Dancing in joy, I had finally made another friend than Samaira. And I was pretty sure, dad won't share the same enthusiasm.

"I would love to but I need to go, maybe some other day." And he smiled! I widen my eyes, he smiled at my mother causally? As if he wasn't that rude, arrogant personality! Was I dreaming? How could a person possess two traits?

"Sure..." Mom got convinced, she was doing just formality. She hadn't made enough dinner for the four of us. I was aware of mom's anger when dad invited guests at home without informing her.

"Bye aunty, bye... Ru..." his facial expression changed, hardening. "Miss Nerd..." He winked at me driving from our driveway.

I inhaled deeply waiting for the questioning session ahead. Though mom had behaved friendly in front of him still she would desire to know all details about him, after all, she was my mom.

"You never mentioned your new friend?" She started on our way back home.

"Because I don't have any new friends," I answered the fact.

"Then who was he? Wasn't he from your school?" She inquired getting more suspicious.

"Yes, he is! But isn't my friend. He is the lead in the dance competition I am participating." I informed, pushing the door open.

"Where had you..." Dad was going to yell at the mom but shut on finding me entering inside followed by mom. He was sitting before the tv on the couch, watching one of his favourites. Not a football match again! His black orbs shined in delight making it seem grey. I often asked him whether he possessed grey eyes? His wonderful smile often convinced me I never had to prove to him. He was proud of me! Proud that I was his daughter.

I pulled my legs towards him. Dropping the bag on the couch beside, and nuzzling in his open arms. "Why didn't you call me? And how was your football match, your school won?" He sounded more excited than I could ever be for that match.

"We lost!" I sounded sad though it wasn't due to the match but my tiredness. I was exhausted due to all the busy hours.

"You know, who dropped her..." mom started. I closed my eyes in exhaustion they both could carry with their conversation I need some rest.

"I think we can talk about it later. Let's her freshen up and have some sleep but you will need to have something before going to bed." Dad warned as I stood from the couch.

"I have an assignment to complete before going to bed." I made a pout, carrying the bag upstairs.

Dragging my unwilling feet towards the washroom after keeping the backpack in its place. I was stinking in sweat due to hours of practice. I rolled my eyes each part of my body was aching. Coming out of the shower, and having something prepared by mom. I moved back towards my room, carrying completed notes along with blank pages and laid on the bed. In such a position that my chest was on the soft pillow before it, all shattered pages around, stomach resting on the bed while legs swinging in the air.

I needed to complete more than seven pages. I pressed the pen between my teeth, searching on my cell to find some information. Ehaan had suggested taking some books back home but I had not enough time left to read them so the internet was a good option. Suddenly a message popped on my screen. It was from Anuj, why was he messaging me at such an hour?

I opened his message.

"Have you reached home?"

"Done with the assignment?"

I smiled reading it.

"Yes, I reached! Completing the assignment, more than seven pages are left."

"Oh! All the best, take care." He responded back and I got busy with my work.

Minutes passed into hours and I had finally completed more than two pages. My eyes were shutting yet I attempted to push it open. Yawn wasn't stopping and slowly I rested my head on the bed. Placing my pillow under my head, I would take a nap of a few seconds. I won't be able to concentrate! A few minutes of nap would be useful, and soon I dozed.


Though usually mom woke me early but she had to behave lovely mom in the morning when I had to submit my assignment. I couldn't help but complain to her for thinking about my wonderful sleep for the very first time in my life. I was rushing in the corridor to somehow each to class a few minutes early and complete my remaining pages. Or the professor won't leave me for not submitting.

For a minute a thought crossed my mind, I could be absent but surely it won't help me in any manner. It was Mr Singh, he was the scariest of all. None desired to come in his target list because he would be determined to make that student year worse than hell. Surely, he was crueller than Ehaan.

As I was so lost in thoughts, I banged with solid rock. I groaned in pain, looking up to glance at the hard figure. It was the chest and of the person whom I wasn't expecting at all. What was it with us? Why would we end up meeting, not in a very desirable state?

First in his class, library, girl washroom and now in the corridor with his arms wrapped around my waist and pages in our hands flying in the air. Perfect movie screen! Surely my life was turning filmy for the past few days.

"The trouble attractor," he grinned the one that screamed he was mocking me. "First I doubted you created troubles but no you don't." He chuckled, "you attract them." He smiled and it seemed genuine the small hint of dimple popping again.

"The way she is attracting you." I heard a whisper in the background and I knew the person, Anuj! 

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