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The music started and for a mini second the feeling of nervousness crossed me, but as the music reached my ears; the body moved on the rhythm. The thoughts brushed away; I was enjoying lost in the word of music. Every move taken wasn't intended to show me superior over the other couple, rather playing with the tone.

Soon I face Rudr. He was smiling at me. As if gesturing, we were going fine. Soon swing me in the air. Much to my surprise, at that moment, Ehaan changed the partner rather than taking Mia back. He grabbed my wrist. I was stunned by his that move; it wasn't planned. Our partner wasn't supposed to be changed!

"Wow, a twist!" I heard a comment from the audience. I widened my eyes at Ehaan. He had a stern face. Nothing giving off! What his stupid mind was pondering on. He turned me in such a way that he was back hugging me. His chin was in the crook of my neck.

"Stop, your mind Ms overthinker." He commented, I couldn't miss the chuckle he had at the end. He again pulled me to face him, not a sign of mischief. A blank, stern face was facing me. I looked away from him. He was diverting my attention. Those same steps were so simple with Rudr but he could turn the simplest thing into the most complicated one.

His rough knuckles brushed into my soft skin, making me stare at him in horror. He had messed with the entire steps, inventing a new one. What was he up to? Why does the dance no longer seem like a battle? We had exchanged the partners! His grip on my waist tightened, my hand slowly moving towards his shoulder. Dark brown orbs staring at each other with unknown feelings taking a ride over me.

It seemed different dancing with him. It wasn't like I was dancing with him for the first time. Earlier he used to act rude, at moments he stamped my feet just to make a joke of me. And now, he was acting soft. Those blank orbs were conveying something hidden, something he was attempting to hide. Why he was so confusing? For one moment he would urge me to understand him, to think of him as human and on the second minute, he would crush my belief in such a way that I would doubt my own assumption. He was such a closed book, a book with different layers, each one differed so much from one another. It even made me a question which side of him was real? The heartless monster or the concerned friend?

"Wow!" I heard applause from the crowd and it made me realise I was still standing on the stage. I looked away from Ehaan as his grip on my waist loosen as well. He pushed himself away from me as if regretting ever touching me. That action somehow made me feel ashamed of myself as if my presence made him feel disgusted. I lowered my gaze staring at the stage.

"What a performance!" Exclaimed Aarav, raising from his seat followed by others.

"It wasn't about battle but we have a solid team to represent as a school and it's amazing!" Kunal spoke from the other side. Both Aarav and Kunal stared at each other for a brief second before diverting their eyes towards us. Surely, boys had serious issues with each other!

"As the practice is done, let's call it off." Announced Ehaan and everyone nodded soon Mia with a glare passed from me to Ehaan. Rudr smiled at me.

"You did wonderful work! I am impressed! Should I call you a competitor?" I giggled listening to his compliment on my dancing skills. "Seriously, I am not joking." Assuming I was finding it lies but who would convey I wasn't good with compliments. Though I longed for it but wasn't aware of how to react when I was offered one. "He challenged you with changing the steps, attempting to make you humiliate as you will lose the concentration but you didn't let him win. I am so proud of you," he hugged me expressing his words.

I was taken aback by his sudden step. Staring at the crowd glancing at us, hesitating whether to respond or not. Mia was glaring at me and her boyfriend action wasn't something different. I had mentioned he could go from soft to cold within a second.

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