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I ignored his presence, moving towards the basin beside him. As I closed the distance, the toxic smell entered my system, resulting in me coughing loudly. I wasn't able to control it. That smell could suffocate me. I wondered how could someone take that toxic thing inside their body? I pressed my palm tightly so the cough could stop and luckily; it lessened with time.

"Fuck, so annoying." He muttered, staring into the mirror in front of us. I glanced in the direction and found him glancing at me. Our eyes met. I could differentiate the eye colour we both possessed. It was dark brown but his were darker than mine, as he was darker than me. Those orbs were screaming fury, annoyance, frustration, but deep in some corner, tiredness, agony. I looked away, not able to meet with his intense gaze any further as if it scared me to get lost in that darkness.

I splashed some water on my face, wiping it with the handkerchief. "Weren't you supposed to be enjoying the match?" He questioned. I stared at him in surprise.

I looked at him baffled. "I..." slowly moving my eyes at his outfit. He was in the black jacket that was doing its work properly hiding the school uniform he was wearing. Sometimes, I doubted whether they wore it or came only with that black-foolish jacket?

"Please, Miss Headache. I am not in a mood." He gritted his teeth, how rude! Why even he talks to me, then? Monster! I wanted to yell at his face but chose the latter option. I couldn't waste my energy on such a fool!

I turned on my shoes and decided to walk away. Suddenly he grabbed my elbow, and I was forced to hit my back on the basin while he locked me in such a manner that I couldn't move an inch. As he was towering over me, it was turning difficult to breathe with such a strong odour of cigarettes radiating from him.

His grip on my elbow tightened as I attempted to push my face away from the devil. "Don't you dare ignore me!" I had closed my eyes in disgust, he claimed I was annoying. What about his frustrating ego?

"Leave me..." I stirred in his hold, trying to free from his grip.

"You hate the odour?" I opened my eyes on sensing his voice had calmed a little. His orbs were staring at me, amusement engulfing every corner. His eyes either had fury, mischief or amusement. As if the human before me never experienced anything beyond it.

He was so much taller, he had to bend so he could stare into my eyes. I had never felt ashamed of my short height until I met someone so big in height.

"Fuck..." He repeated once again, I glared at him. And for a second I got a glimpse of a smile which changed into a smirk a minute later. Maybe I was hallucinating! His grip on my elbow loosens, making its way slowly towards my cheek. My breath hitched with his that move, my eyes widening in horror. What was he up to?

"And you hate cursing..." rather than questioning like before voiced a statement. As if it was confirmed, I had a huge disliking towards those words. His thumb was drawing patterns on my soft cheek as he kept staring into my brown orbs. "miss... innocent." He mumbled as if it wasn't intended for me to hear. That mischief hadn't disappeared, those dark brown orbs displayed less darkness as if they wanted to shine in the light and maybe they had found a source of light for them.

"What the hell! Its washroom not making out..." We heard a sudden yell, Ehaan turned to glance at the person. His tall frame in front of me was making it difficult to glimpse who entered? Yet my brain conveyed, I knew the girl. Maybe I had heard her somewhere!

"Ehaan! You moron, where were you? We were searching for you in the entire universe. And what the hell was you..." She was interrupted by Ehaan.

"Zara stop acting overdramatic." With those words, he was pushing me further into the basin.

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