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"Why do you want to stop it?" I was curious. Why was he pushing me away? Why does he often make me feel I never deserved him? "Am I that bad?" The sudden feeling of insecurity overpowered my heart. Wasn't I aware I could never match him? He deserved far better... far amazing than me. My head lowered in embarrassment.

"Hey," he defended. His finger slowly raised up, compelling me to stare into his brown orbs. "You can never be bad." He uttered, staring deep into my orbs. Allowing the mask to wash off from his face, allowing me to get a glimpse of his inner feeling. Those emotions he had mastered to mask from the world around him. "You had made me believe in kindness, innocence..." He uttered, searching any sign of belief but found nothing.

It wasn't easy for my insecure self to believe him. I was born and brought up in such a society where often people had questioned me in numerous ways. The insecurity building inside me resulted from my worse experience. How could I believe it? A popular, attractive guy, the boy gifted with so many talents. If he wished he could be rewarded with the beauty the world process could be attracted towards a naïve, normal, reserved girl like me? If I believe in it, I could be labelled as a fool.

On finding my senses filled with insecurity, he cupped my face further forcing me to stare into his deep intense orbs. "Look into my eyes..." He commanded, making my racing brain halt. Those orbs could turn my mind fogging, making me lost in those chocolaty waves. At moments, I would forget the existence of the world around me.

"My eyes won't lie to you." He whispered, his low, deep, intense filled voice was making me shiver. It felt as if he was allowing himself to unbottle. It wasn't something happening for the very first time, he had done it before. Trusted me with some of his secrets, indirectly asking me for a solution. But unlike before his eyes weren't closed but staring deep into mine. As if he wasn't scared that I would glimpse some of his hidden emotion as if he wanted me to know the real Ehaan Kashyap.

"I don't know if you believe me but it's true... I am getting attracted to you." He confessed, his eyes glittering in adoration. "Why? How? When? Those are questions, I keep asking myself frequently." He answered, his eyes not moving for a second. Assuring me not a lie was rolling down from that tongue. "Man! It scares me, the strong emotion felt towards you. I don't like making people my weakness but unknowingly you had become mine." He slowly leaned our forehead my grip from his collar loosen, cupping his cheek. "I had never felt something... I feel for you, maybe you won't believe it. I don't care..." And there I saw it, his eyes for a second diverted indicating the last word was a lie.

"You do!" I pouted, his eyes darkening. His eyes wandered from my eyes to my slight pink lips. His thumb slowly caressed my lower lip, eyes sparking in desire.

"Fuck!" He shut his eyes in exasperation. "You aren't in your senses..." inappropriate words rolled down his tongue. I twisted my nose in disgust, he opened his eyes. "I will lock the main door." Finding an excuse, he walked away. Once again leaving me. I frowned, stamping my foot in annoyance. What did he mean with me, not in senses? I am in full senses! Though I am behaving like an insane. I knew something was wrong with me yet I was enjoying the newfound confidence in me.

The fury of his frequent ignorance was troubling me. Suddenly an idea popped into my head, on seeing him busy locking the door. I slowly slipped from the living room towards the kitchen. He had troubled me enough it was my turn. I giggled at my naughty thoughts. He was going to regret not listening to me.

I slowly slipped under the kitchen counter. One of my favourite places to hide as a child while playing hide-and-seek. I could hear his frequent shout, yelling my name. I pressed my palm to stop the giggles reaching his ear. I wasn't letting him win the game. The shout was coming near with each passing second.

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