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My eyes ranked around the beauty the hall owned. I rarely visited it, either for last practice for the annual celebration or if they gathered inside us for some events organised by our school. In both circumstances, I was met with packed halls with many seats occupied. It was a rare event to glimpse at such a vacant hall.

A pin-drop silence met us, and suddenly I felt conscious of my presence. As if I made a single voice, it would echo in the entire auditorium.

"I guess, we are early." Whispered Samaria, glancing at the seat to see if anyone was present. The stage was at the centre, raised much higher for the audience to have a proper view from the last of the seats. We had almost made our way among the seats when the door burst open. A familiar face got into view, the girl from the cafeteria. Her hazel orbs roamed around the place, coming to rest on us.

"Have you seen Ehaan?" She asked, desperation in her voice.

"Ehaan?" Samaria rolled the name through her voice. And shrugged her shoulder, "no..." I glanced at her, did she knew anyone from that name? Wasn't he the same person, they were having a conversation in the cafeteria? The girl seemed disappointed, glancing once more she was on the verge to walk out when she collided with someone.

"Hey! Easy here!" The humour filled voice got into my ears, and I recognized the person. The person I had a huge disliking to!

"Varun!" I could never miss the happiness lacing from Samaira's voice. His mere presence could make her mood so bright. Why him? Was there no other guy? I had a huge gut feeling that he would break her into pieces.

"Have you seen Ehaan?" Mia, that was her name, right? She inquired same to him.

"Yes, walking in the hallway. Maybe made his way to class. Why?" He wasn't given a response as she strolled away from him. Neither he seemed offended as if he was used to her behaviour. The person entered, looking for someone. His eyes landed on Samaira, a smile crossing his lip. I couldn't point whether it was a genuine or fake one?

"Hi, Samy as expected you're before time." That caused us embarrassment though he wasn't attempting, maybe. "Others are not as punctual as you two..." as if he realized my presence at the moment. Offering me a smile, I pressed my lip together attempting to return. I was so bad at faking it!

He walked towards us, "so?" He offered Samaira to continue the conversation.

"Hmm..." she hesitated, hiding her shyness from him. "Who was that girl?" She was shocked with her own question, I could notice it from her slight widened orbs. Could Varun notice it as well?

"She! Mia Ahluwalia, none could compete her with dance. You should see her dancing, it seems as if she owns the place. Her grace, posture is so in point." A hint of delight crossed his orbs, maybe he adored dancing as much as us. None could be so excited when expressing without him admiring a dance or the dancer. Surely it was one of it and soon I would know the answer. "She is one of the reasons behind us winning the medal each year."

"One?" I blurted out and suddenly got conscious as his eyes got on me.

"Yes, another one is the most fabulous. The one who soon would rule the dancing world, and maybe football.... And cricket and even studies... I mean there is nothing he doesn't rule..." he chuckled at his statement while we both were staring at each other with confusing gazes. "Ehaan Kashyap..." He winked and I wasn't sure why he did it? But surely it made Samaira blush. I shook my head, I was certain that it was going to be difficult for me but surely it was the tenth time harder for Samaira to deal with her that blush. By the end of the competition surely the entire school would learn about her crush.

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