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Someone clearing his throat forced me to glance at the interrupted figure. Anuj stood, having a pleasing smile as he approached us. The black jacket was missing, and he had worn a decent shirt and trousers. Not taking a lot of effort in his dressing style, he never seemed bothered about his appearance. He was gifted with looks so he didn't have to put affords to look presentable as well.

My eyes diverted from him to the company he had with him. He seemed least interested, yet his dark orbs were spying me from top to toe. His brown orbs flicker for a second as they contacted mine. The mask he owned faded away, giving a slight glimpse of his emotions. He was furious, mad even, but why?

I followed his gaze, glancing at me. I seemed presentable. Slowly glancing at his attire. Unlike Anuj, Ehaan had taken afford to seem presentable. His white shirt, accompanied by black blazers, was doing justice to his figure. The dark slim-fit trousers were coordinating well with his attire. That messy chestnut hair was combed properly keeping it in place yet his large hand was messing it up. I eyed him as his hands again made contact with it lose hair on his forehead. He was spoiling it!

His eyes showed amusement at my action and I lowered my head on realisation, getting embarrassed.

"Thanks, you made it." Spoked Anuj, wrapping a hand around my shoulder. "You look adorable," he complimented. Eyeing my attire. I had carried myself in a white dress covered with black floral design, it reached below my knees. It was sleeveless a thin rope around my neck holding it together. It was an exposing dress and people in school had hardly glanced at me in something fancy.

"Isn't she looking beautiful?" He raised his eyes at Ehaan. He was staring at me, eyes blank not giving off a hint of what his brain consumed. He diverted his gaze from me to his friend.

"Are we done? We need to search Mia if she had arrived." Rolling his eyes as if not interested in mentioning a kind word to me. Why has it always disheartened me? Wasn't I aware he was cruel and won't ever change? Why did I keep expecting kindness from a cruel figure? Maybe because I started showing interest in him. He was grabbing my attention, unknowingly. I was intrigued to know the person behind the mask.

"We will..." Anuj narrowed his eyes at him. "You hadn't answered my question," he glanced at me. "Who is that special someone?" It took a minute for me to register what he was uttering. I shook my head in response. "Come on! Miss innocent, I am your friend more like an elder brother. You can't hide things from me." He persisted, he won't let it go. Why did he overhear our conversation? Why did Samaira bring it up?

"That special someone hadn't yet arrived in my life." Uttering the most genuine response I could provide. I could sense Anuj sighed in relief, had I started imagining things? I shook my head.

"And yet you hold feeling for him..." a grin wasn't leaving Anuj face. I had noticed such conversation excited him the most. I was of the view that most girls were fascinated by the concept of love. I had never seen a guy so interested in them.

I lowered my head in shyness. Giving a small nod, it was foolish of me to hold feelings for someone I never met. Yet such illogical things I had committed right from childhood. "Damn!" I couldn't hold back my smile on seeing his enthusiasm. "Isn't he fortunate of all... someone loves him much before him even arriving in her life."

"Don't you think it's insane!" We heard a deep voice contracting our conversation. "AJ! She doesn't even know if the person would ever fall for her. Won't it be the stupidest thing to commit? And then girls claim of breaking their hearts. How can you fantasize things on your own?" He shook his head, disgusted with the thoughts I had about my would-be.

"I don't claim I would end up with him. I don't even think I would find someone, or someone would find me interesting." I answered him back feeling humiliated on his opposition. "If thinking there is someone who would understand me, care for me does provide me with happiness what's wrong in it?" I questioned him, he was staring at me, shocked. "This fantasy isn't making me forget the reality of life. It's helping me to cope up even though I know it won't ever be my future." I completed it for him. I knew he would end up commenting on how none would admire me? How I would end up alone?

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