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And it was harder than I anticipated. Dad was offering me a spying gaze when I mentioned a few more people joining us as well. He was adamant to ask about the whereabouts of those individuals.

"Dance members," I had replied as his curious gaze was fixed on me.

"Also, your dance partner?" He inquired, causing my eyes to widen. We were sitting in the dining area. Mom was busy having a conversation with her friend on a cell while Samaira sat next to me as a source of motivation, as she would like to claim.

"Ugh... no but other people." Dad nodded slighting, concentrating back on his arranged breakfast. He kind of had some disliking towards Ehaan, while my mom showed a fondness for his skills. He had unknowingly impressed her, though she was hard to be pleased.

"Hmm... you can but make it a point not to turn too late." Samaira was on the verge of jumping from the seat, I grabbed her wrist. Displaying over-excitement won't lead us anywhere. "Don't worry about your mom, I would convince her." I pressed a smile at dad, he was my saviour. "Enjoy," popping his smile at the end it only broaden mine.

Dad helped us with convincing Samaira's parents as well though his eyes at moments conveyed to me that he was suspicious about us. But he didn't utter it loudly, allowing us the freedom. The uneasiness passed his eyes as we descended downstairs all ready to carry with our plans.

I had carried myself with something simple and comfortable. A pair of jeans and a casual top, one I would wear in any given event. Samaira had ranted enough that I should have tried something fancy. But well! I wasn't going on any date. And I wasn't desiring to give anyone that hint. I had never dated a person before and I wasn't planning to rush with it. Whoever the person would be, I wanted it to go with the flow, slow and steady. Though I knew my emerging crush won't ever be on the list. I never knew my first crush would be the person who was committed to someone else. How could I ever allow such feeling to cross me? I wanted to get rid of it but it wasn't getting any easier.

Dad smiled as if approving my dressing style diverting his gaze towards Samaira. She wasn't wearing anything fancy as well but the dress looked quite presentable on her. The baby pink coordinated well with her fair skin, making her look like an adorable doll.

"Both are looking so beautiful!" Complimented mom, "it seemed as if my past had flashed again." I knitted my brow in confusion at her comment. Dad turned to face her with curious eyes, he furrowed as he looked back at us.

"It isn't like that!" He whispered but loud enough to get in our ears. They were confusing me with their exchange.

"Which past?" Samaira questioned getting excited.

"Past! About my school days," mom grinned as a teenager. The memories of the past could bring the child within her back. She was proud of her past, not a regret! I admired that about her, I had often heard that people were often displeased with their teenage life. We had heard enough lectures from our teachers, advice on not to commit mistakes that we would regret our entire life. Whereas mom was among the few that had an amazing, proud teenager phase.

"Is it about you scooping to meet dad?" I inquired having a wide grin. I was fond of their love story, mom had a huge crush on dad. And I couldn't blame her. He was an amazing personality, anyone could drool over him. His aura could grab anyone and most important his traits of bringing a smile to anyone's face. She often scooped from the house, deceiving my grandparents and attained his matches. Dad was an amazing football player!

"Wow!" Samaira giggled in response. "Ru had narrated your story, it was the best one I ever listened from her. Those novels are nothing among your ones." I shook my head, she was defaming my novels yet she voiced facts.

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