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I was sitting in the dining area, along with unexpected guest Samaira. She had accompanied us for dinner. Praising mom frequently for her amazing food. I was getting a feeling she had something in her mind. She was attempting to compliment mom to lighten her mood and later ask for something. She was an expert in such techniques.

Dad signalled me having the same conception. I pressed my giggle inside not to grab attention towards us. "And aunt, this one is my favourite. None! Can make Gobi Manchurian better than you..." I rolled my eyes, ignoring them and concentrating on the food before me.

"Now, it's enough! Tell me, what do I have to convince your mom about?" Mom questioned directly, causing Samaira to choke off the Gobi she had filled her mouth with. And we bust in laughter, the biggest one was of dad.

"Hmm... aunty, about girl's hangout." Samaira made puppy eyes.

"With whom?" I asked getting curious, I was so unknown about her plans with other friends.

"What? Have you forgotten? We had planned a girl's hangout with Zara. She is adamant to meet you both." She said diverting her gaze from me to my parent.

"Zara?" Asked curious dad. "I wasn't aware any of your friends with that name."

"She is our senior. We had bonded up a few months back." I informed dad not wanting to add about my dance. As upon Ehaan mention, he would get mad. He was still against Ehaan tutoring me.

"Ehaan's friend?" Mom inquired getting curious, I facepalmed mentally. Why does mom have to mention it loud?

"Yes! Earlier, I never adored any of them. But they are good," Samaira whispered. "Leaving Anuj, he just annoys me the most." She shook her head, "not even Aarav... his mocks are frustrating at times." She paused for a second, "and please don't get me started on Ehaan who is the most annoying human in the world." My parents were staring at her with wide eyes, I squeezed her wrist pleading her to shut down.

"How many new friends have you found?" Dad was finding it unbelievable to digest. I giggled seeing his horror as for the past few years we had made not a single friend.

"Many! This year was the most amazing one. I forgot to mention about Rudr, he is an amazing guy." Samaira muttered glancing at me but I just pressed a smile at her. She was so unknown of his deeds.

"Why don't we call them all?" Suggested dad, I widen my eyes in surprise. "I want to meet my daughter's new friend list." Dad glanced at mom to listen to her advice, she spare me a glance but I averted my gaze. I wasn't having any proper conversation with my mom. I wasn't pleased with her decision to allow Ehaan as my tutor.

"Good idea, if Ruhi has no problem with it." She was waiting for my response. "We have our wedding anniversary coming this week. So rather having girls out maybe get together will be the best." She smiled at me but I paled. Having my friend home? Making them meet, I wasn't finding it aspiring.

"Why everyone?" I questioned rather than answering, pleading with dad not to do it.

"We had only known Samaira, is it bad if we want to know your other friends?" He asked, I shook my head. "I also want to know how intelligent is your tutor as your mother puts it up?" My breath hitched listening to it. The get together was planned to examine Ehaan. I gulped, I never thought dad would be so hard to be pleased.

Done with the dinner, I was washing the dishes while mom was cleaning the counter. "Are you still mad at me?" She initiated the topic for the first time in a week. I kept quiet, "I had done it for your wellbeing. He had come to me and I knew he was the reason behind your worsening state."

"Mom, wasn't it you who asked me to choose wisely? Hadn't you warned me to be away from him? You had found us below the counter and I wasn't in my senses. But I hadn't questioned your decision but when I was slowly getting over him why do you have to implant him again in my life?" I questioned not sparing her a glance, busy washing the dishes with water.

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