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"So? Full detail about yesterday's event?" Coughed Samaira to grab my attention. I looked from my books finishing the last words. I closed the book, completing the notes written on the board.

"What do you want to listen to?" Putting the pen back in my pouch.

"Everything!" I chuckled, listening to her enthusiastic self.

"Mia had an injury-causing me to be replaced and you know who recommended my name," her eyes wide in curiosity. "Mr Arrogant."

"That anger issue guy?" I nodded in approval. "Why?" Baffled would be an understatement. "I thought, he hates us."

"That's the reason he recommended my name. He hates me and desiring to take revenge for the response I made." I rolled my eyes, "he is so abnormal." Samaira giggled at my words.

"Varun wasn't present during the practising session," I informed, I felt a need to do so. She gave a slight nod not uttering anything further. "Hmm... my tiffin?" Soon changed the topic as silence between us had turned awkward.

Time flew away and soon it was the time to leave Samaira's side and walk into the auditorium with a group of strangers. Nervousness trailing into me as I entered the hall, much to my gladness only a few were present. As I took a step inside, the same girl from yesterday move towards me.

She passed me a smile, I offered her the same. "You came early," she nodded in appreciation. "Ehaan asked me to inform you about the new steps. He had modified some," I nodded not that I had an option to reject. Putting the bag on one vacant seat, I put my whole attention on the girl before me.

Hours passed away, trying my level best to understand. He had included some stunts and I wasn't good at it. Normal dance was fine, the expression came easily but stunts were something new to me. Soon Ehaan joined. I had to seat on his shoulder, so embarrassing. And he would grab my hands pulling me down slowly landing me on the floor. I was so scared, I couldn't trust the person who purposely knocked me on the ground the previous day. The smirk on his face wasn't helping in any manner.

Each time I tried it, instead of slowly slipping from between his legs, he would knock me on the floor. Each time with more pressure than the previous one, my butt was paining like hell. I used to glare at him each time. Blaming me for his outcome.

"How can she be so foolish? She can't do such small stunts, how will she prepare herself for the latter one." As he had landed me on the floor for the twenty-fifth time. Mia yelled from a distance.

Everyone was well aware of who was making it difficult but due to the fear none spoke. I rolled my eyes, I was least affected by her comment. Concentrating on my burning butt. He was testing my patience.

"I guess, we should swipe the partners." I heard a suggestion coming from Rudr. I opened my eyes in new underlying hope. Maybe I could trust Rudr more than Ehaan. As he had shown more kindness than Mr Arrogant towards me.

Before anyone could oppose the idea, I nodded in agreement. "Yes!" I could feel a heated gaze on me.

"I don't mind if the practice is going to move further." Commented Kunal indirectly supporting Rudr as well. From a day I had seen him around Rudr and it came to a conclusion that they both were good friends.

"She was a replacement for Mia but for..."

"Shanaya can replace Mia, and Ruhi can replace her. I think we should try it," came another encouraging voice from the audience. "Or what about we exchange the couple for this particular segment?" I smiled that sounded appealing.

"Whatever," Ehaan shrugged his shoulder. "Shanaya..." he moved his eyes towards the girl standing beside Rudr. Taking it as his approval, I stood from the ground moving towards Rudr. At least I would be offered a more peaceful practising session. Rudr passed me a smile and I couldn't be enough worthy of him for pulling me from the hell. Ehaan was so annoying with his famous smirk.

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