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"And nothing is more rewarding than seeing your ship sailing." We heard a whisper. I could recognise it as Anuj. A sudden realisation emerged in my heart. I wanted to withdraw from Ehaan's grip, but his solid grip was around me. As I stirred in his arm, he growled at my attempt. Not planning to free me from his grip.

"Hadn't I asked you to drop her?" He questioned Anuj, slowly loosening his arm from me. I lowered my gaze, feeling embarrassed, but Ehaan's glare was fixed on Anuj. I averted my gaze at the source. He was offering a teasing smile. Fortunately, his teasing orbs had compelled Ehaan to loosen his grip around me.

"I was going to drop her, but my bike had another plan." He eyed at the bike beside him. Ehaan narrowed his eyes at him.

"Hadn't I asked you to take my jeep?" he shook his head. Ehaan's large, warm hands were interwinding with my soft, small one. "Let's leave." He ordered staring into my orbs. I hated his dominating figure but also wanted to spend some time along with him. He could infuriate me but also provide me with inner peace. He was making me confused with the amount of contradicting feelings he made me feel.

He strolled down the parking lot, glancing at people around us. Their eyes fixed on us. Rudr fuming in anger while Kunal got on his feet. Wiping the blood from his face, shooting daggers at us. We slowly were wandering around, our interwinding figures grabbing everyone's attention. Some orbs questioned, interrogated, suspiciously staring at us. I felt the need to pull my hand from him. Afraid of seeing their judgmental orbs. They had spread many rumours about us. About my character, my emotions.

The solid grip around my knuckles wasn't allowing me to pull from him. I slowly glanced at Ehaan. He was glaring at the people staring at us. Their eyes jerked away from us as a result. Ehaan could compel anyone to act his way. Though I hated his intimidating nature yet it was turning into an advantage. I could escape from the continuous stare. We halted in front of his black jeep. His hand slowly leaving mine as he walked towards the driver seat. I slowly followed him to the passenger seat.

As we sat comfortably and he pulled the engine. Silence prevailed around us. The surrounding was getting uncomfortable as I was alone with him. There were so many questions between us. We were so clueless what was even happening in our life? I could feel nervousness oozing from my spirit. Constantly, I was biting on my lower lip.

"Stop that!" He growled, his eyes straight in front. For a minute, I thought he was talking to himself. His eyes glanced at me for a second, those orbs turning darker. "Angel, you don't want to tease me." He warned with his deep gruff voice.

I stared at him confused, he shook his head. Darting his gaze back on the road. His orbs shone in mischief along with frustration. His hand slowly reached to the toolbox and removed a packet from it. I looked around not wanting to spy but soon the annoying smell reached me. Forcing me to glance at him in disgust.

He was inhaling that life-threatening smoke. "Don't you know it's injurious to health?" Wrinkling my nose due to the smell. I hated it!

"And that's the reason behind your dislike?" He inquired, amusement dancing in his dark brown orbs. I was clueless what made him so amused? His orbs made me feel, I was the most entertaining person existing on the earth. Alas! It wasn't true. I knew how boring kind of a person I was.

"No!" I shook my head. "That smell is just worse." I waved my hand around my nose trying to remove the smell from my system. "I just don't get it how can you take in such a horrible thing?" Displaying the revulsion, I had for that thing.

"You know what?" He asked, glancing away from me. "You can make people hate things just with your wonderful facial expression." He grumbled not liking the distaste I had for his favourite thing.

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