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"What it has to do with this?" His eyes spying at me in suspiciousness. He wasn't believing me.

"Everything! They are planning for your team's defeat in the upcoming football match." His eyes not moving from me, I attempted to not stumble on my words. I had to assure him I wasn't lying. "He wants the team to disqualify as it was your dream to hold five trophies by the end of your last year in the school." I voiced out, planning my own narration for the upcoming occasion. "I dragged you away because I wasn't aspiring for us to be caught listening to them."

He diverted his gaze, mentioning some curses. Maybe he came in my narration. He leaned further into me, nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck. "You're such a bad liar." I gulped, wishing that the earth could swallow me. Why does he have to be so smart? "Rudr won't plan something so lame. He wants to destroy me from within, he would use the strongest weapon against me." His voice shattered from inside, though he was attempting to pull off his hard texture. His grip on me tighten but it wasn't out of frustration rather helplessness. As if he feared to let me go, as if I disappear from his sight he won't be ever offered a glance.

No word was exchanged among us, except the uneven breathing I was possessing. I could feel his wounds, I knew it was related to his past. Rudr was well aware of his weakness and he was going to use it to destroy his bonds with his friends, his only strength. Zara had mentioned to me how gracefully he had used her weakness to separate her from her friends. I wanted to halt it from happening but for it, I was in need of knowing his past.

I inhaled, attempting to question the wounded tiger. It was risky but maybe I trusted him enough that he won't hurt me. I had pissed him at various events in past. My face tilted a little to get a better look at his face, to depict if I should grab the opportunity. His eyes shut, face nuzzling further into my neck, his warm breath around my exposed skin would sparkle butterflies in my stomach. An emotion, I was so unaware of.

"Ehaan..." I called him out but rather answering, he groaned. Nuzzling his face further, breathing my scent. "What is your biggest weakness?" I muttered softly wanting him to not listen yet I heard him sigh.

"You!" He whispered in a low voice. His hands rolled down to my waist, pulling me closer to him. "Fuck! He knows me better than you." Growling at my question, his head raising a little. His nose caressed my cheek. "He is well aware of how to trigger me," he groaned. His face leaning to my forehead, eyes not ready to open.

I was attempting to register his words. Was I, his biggest weakness? How could it be possible? Did Rudr's planning include me? But which of my acts could make Ehaan hate me?

"Stop, troubling your innocent mind with his tricks." His hands drew patterns on my cheek. "He doesn't deserve your attention," grumbling in displeasure. I shook my head, his fury towards him was on another level. And suddenly his cell began to ring. I glared at him he was using his phone during school hours. How many rules did he break without caring a damn? Why was he so spoiled? And why on earth do I often forget he was a bad boy of our school?

He didn't attempt to pull off the phone and silence it. "Ehaan..." I was going to yell at him. What if anyone discovers us hiding behind the interjected walls?

"It doesn't deserve your attention either." He muttered, pulling me further.

"Ehaan..." I groaned due to his tight grip. "We will get caught," I whispered slowly. Peeping a little to find if anyone was staring at us from the small place. That made his eyes open, a smirk playing on his lip. The phone went silent and I cursed myself for uttering those words. What was shaping in his devil mind?

"We will get caught doing what?" His brows raised in amusement. I diverted my gaze from him, the pink shade appearing from nowhere.

"That wasn't what I meant..."

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