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GLARE! It was started with the glare. That pair of dark brown orbs were glaring not at me but at my companion. It appalled me! I could understand if the glare was offered to Aarav but Varun? He was so innocent to hurt a fly. And the youngest of us. Rather been furious at the strange girl I was amused by her action. The way she attempted to hide from me, the shock of discovering I had caught her.

The notion of her existence had left my mind after a minute but my eyes again met with the familiar set of orbs. And she was glaring again but her target wasn't my friend but me. The overpowering fury was covering my heart and unknowingly I unbottled my rage toward the two girls present in our class. That was the minute I realised Varun had some deep connection with them or he won't ever cover up for them.

And my doubt was further confirmed when Varun rushed towards them after finding them in a playground. I was curiously glancing at them when Rudr's loud voice announced her name. Ruhi! The name that I had hated my entire life. I knew Rudr was using it as a weapon, he loved to trigger me. My overpowering rage wasn't helping me to listen to the conversation happening a distance away but I could at glimpse the argument. Mia burst on her and Ruhi's friend defending her. Ruhi seemed to lack the confidence to give it back. A coward!

Days flew by! I was so engrossed with dance and football that I had forgotten about that girl. Ruhi! Until my eyes met back with those set of brown orbs. She was unknown of my staring. Unintentionally her naïve self was grabbing my attention. Coming after winning a football match and waiting for an hour in a traffic jam was exhausting but my sight went on that innocent creature. She was busy in her world, least affected by the traffic jam. Her eyes closed in peace, those set of pink lips engrossed in the lyrics. She was enjoying the moment so unlike the people surrounding her. She was different!

Rudr had attempted to infuriate me with her name and the same stunt he had pulled in front of the cafeteria. He was behind my peace, as I was ignoring him for the past few days. He was coming up with tricks to trigger me. And not able to hold back I jumped on him but dragged Ruhi in between. She was the cause of it! She was allowing him to use her against me. But the thing that shocked me was her come back. Unlike before she wasn't taking my words but returning them back with extra force. I was stunned for a minute but later infuriated by her words. None can walk easily after insulting me in front of the entire crowd. She will have to pay for it!

Never was I more glad to glance at those set of brown orbs. That confusion filled in it as she entered the auditorium, fear overlapping her spirit a minute later. She had booked herself for a hell ride! I mocked her, tricked her, and tortured her to hell. I could feel her giving up every minute but she never let it have control over her. And with the look, she was staring at Mia and my intertwined hand made me pull it away from her. She was adoring us! Shouldn't she be glaring at us, cursing us but she was adoring us? What was she even?

And her difference had pulled Anuj towards her. He was defending her on just the second meet but that was further triggering me to act rudely towards her. She kept amusing me as the days passed with her love for dance. She could win anyone's heart with the joy she danced on the floor as if she owned it or was it like she was lost in her own world. Days flew by! By rude behaviour towards her was helping Rudr to act sane on her face. And that was triggering me further!

He was trying to please her. Going against his sister but I was uncertain, why was he doing that? But I was more confused why his behaviour was infuriating me? The way those dark brown orbs shined in delight at him but looked at me with disgust was troubling me but why? I had never been affected by anyone's view on me, not of my sister and mother. I was attempting to ignore her and the things happening inside me. But she wasn't leaving me at peace as she banged with me again in the library, not allowing me to play my guitar in peace.

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