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Within a few minutes, we had reached the biggest playground any school would desire. Maybe that was the reason 'The Heaven's High' organised every match. Unlike, as usual, the terrace was filled with thousands of people surely entire school had accumulated along with the students from the opponent.

We stared at each other in surprise, we never had visited a football match. Both had the least interest in it! We were glancing at the crowd to find some vacant seats; filled with so many strangers.

"There they are!" I heard a scream from a crowd and soon got a glimpse of Anuj rushing towards us. He was wearing his blue jersey, eyes radiating excitement. He was excited about the upcoming match, Zara followed him. Though she wasn't in the match yet, she had worn jerseys like many accumulated around us.

"I thought you won't make it, but I am glad you did." He gave me a hug and pressed a smile at Samaira. "Thanks for accompanying her."

"Never mind! I was curious about our school football team. Had heard enough of their greatness wanted to witness it once for real."

"Then you had come on at the right place. Thomas is going to be badly defeated today." Zara spoke, having full confidence in our school team.

Thomas and we had rivalry from entity. I had no idea why was that so? But it was always the case! Our school never got along with Thomas. Maybe due to the most brilliant talents were possessed by both the schools. They were determined to defeat each other in every way from studies to other activities. Even our principal wasn't fond of that school, she motivated the student to be more goal-oriented.

"Come, let's show you the place before a match starts." He dragged us towards the front vacant seats that may be specially registered for some special people. As we made our way towards the seats, we had grabbed everyone's attention. Luckily without even attempting Anuj and his friend could grab attention from everyone around. They had that aura, that personality that I could never possess.

"Wasn't it reserved for someone..." The thought crossed my mind, Samaira expressed it loud.

"Yes! To the close people of players as they need encouragement during the game. As you both are Anuj's new friends, you are allowed as well." Though she sounded not pleased yet she put on the smile. Samaira got a little uncomfortable but she pressed a smile as well.

"Don't mind her..." Before Anuj could justify Zara's action, his cell rang. "Yes, where are you both Aarav?" He questioned sounding disappointed surely match was staring in a few minutes yet they hadn't moved from the auditorium. "What?" He yelled expressing his shock at whatever Aarav had uttered.

"What's the deal?" Zara inquired, getting concerned. The carefree, not interested attitude was long forgotten.

"Meet me in changing room." He hung the call with the announcement.

"AJ what..." She was interrupted by Anuj.

"Follow me." With those words, he moved without glancing at us. Surely, his mood had a three-sixty degree turn. And it was regarding what Aarav mentioned to him on the call. What could it be? I got curious and also worried about the bad gang of our school.

"Their life is showered with so much drama," Samaira commented, I couldn't agree more. There wasn't even a single minute they could breathe in peace. Either they would destroy someone's day or someone would devastate theirs. I shook my head, concentrating on the playground before me. Some players were warming up, among them was Rudr.

His eyes planted on me. I widen my eyes from when was he staring at me? He was frowning as if was bothered with what he was glancing at. I diverted my gaze feeling conscious that maybe he too found me inferior like his sister. She never appreciated my presence around her. She never had a normal conversation with me.

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