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The remaining classes went smoothly, nothing extraordinary happened. Apart from the part, we were provided with another homework of writing an essay in English. As the bell rang, all disappeared from our class. It was astonishing, none took part in the competition apart from us.

"None is left behind. Are we only two from our class?" I questioned.

"You know it! 10 D is the most obedient class ever." She shrugged her shoulder, "they all are in studies."

"Your words are making me anxious, Samy. Hope we won't regret our decision," she shook her head.

"We won't, we will enjoy it." She assured and provided her with a small nod. I hardly knew people from our class and if we were only two from 10 D, that meant entire people in the auditorium would be strangers to me. How would I make it possible? I didn't want to feel alone in the group of strangers, they would be hanging, laughing together while I would be standing in a corner having my own company. It made me so out of the crowd and awkward!  I wished, Samaira never to leave my side.

"What are we going to do for half an hour?" She questioned, "we are called at 2 and it's just 1 past thirty." She inquired, I thought for a minute.

"What about our school tour?" I suggested, it was an amazing experiencing roaming through each class in absence of anyone. The only time we got to inspect classes without coming in anyone's notice. "We will get into the fourth floor." I voiced out, the view from there was amazing. But unfortunately, we never got a class on that floor, only the senior's that was 12th students owned the floor.

"But, we are not the only people waiting what if..." she left it incomplete. Maybe she was correct! Senior too would be participating in it, as it was their last year. They won't let such an opportunity to let go. "But still, we will sneak. Let's first have something, and then roam around. After all, the auditorium is also on the fourth floor, they won't mind." I wasn't sure if it was something valid, but we were not breaking any rule. We could roam around the school if we were not skipping any classes, so approved her plan.

Pleased to find the cafeteria vacant, we made our way into one of the chairs. "What are you having?" Samaira asked, getting up to order for us.

"Not in a mood, will just have milkshake... I guess." She nodded and handed her the money. As she was away and the cafeteria was vacant I could have a better look at it. The flooring was of black woods, with a thick texture. The wall had covered with desert sand, and various paintings hanging on the wall. At each frame name was imprinted in the corner, it was made by our ex-students with the year they were enrolled. It was so amazing, they had their name still remembered in school. People weren't aware of my existence now in school, when I would graduate they would hardly do later.

I moved my eyes further to the counter, Samaria was talking with the lady. She was the one accountable for maintaining the cafeteria. The counter was big enough to take the whole area in the corner, inside it was a few small tables and shelves to keep the various type of snacks, with a door letting them into the kitchen. The counter coordinated well with the interior, as it had walnut brown, going along with the dark and classy combination. Furniture and tables were combined to give the students a modern-classy feeling. And the ceiling was high with dim light at equal intervals.

"Adoring cafeteria?" I heard Samaira, chuckled as she placed my glass along with hers on the table and took a seat.

"Hmm... you know, I praise beauty." Giggling along with her.

"Yes, they had worked hard to make it so beautiful." She agreed, I took a sip from my glass.

"Why didn't you brought something? Earlier too you had just fries," I inquired getting concerned about her eating habits. I didn't want her to end up ill.

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