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Days passed by after the incident in the playground. We had decided not to take part. It convinced Mom that I lied to her because I wasn't desiring to land in granny's place. After trying twice to provide a justification, I let her think whatever she desired. Not that her thinking would change the reality.

I was sitting on the back of the seat, staring out of the window. The beautiful greenery around could provide peace to anyone. The bonus was the cold bliss touching my warm cheek. I loved it about roaming, blissful silence and eye-rewarding view. The messy, slightly curving hairs dancing with the wind and disturbing my view.

"It upset Arun... I couldn't blame him either, Siya behaviour wasn't rewarding." Mom and dad were having a discussion about the events taken place in grannies. I shook my head, plugging earphones and selecting my favourite list. Closing my eyes while lip singing the lyrics, a huge smile spreading on my lips. Happiness, a peace that was offered by music to me. Least bothering myself with those painstaking hours. Yes! I was exaggerating it, it wasn't that painful yet I was bored. Even if I attempted I could never get along with my cousins, there never was much to talk about.

We never had many topics to share, I never enjoyed them talking about their boyfriends and hangouts they shared with their friends. One reason was, I never had anything to add on my part. The only time I passed was with my small cousin, she was two years old and more approachable than her bigger sister of my age. I enjoyed my time playing with her even she was fond of me rather than with her own sister.

That made me smile, I had someone who adored my company. I opened my eyes as the sounds of horns disturbed me from the music bursting in my ears. I again played it as I was so lost in thoughts that I wasn't able to enjoy the lyrics with my whole heart. As I was on the verge of closing my eyes, someone grabbed my attention. Or should I say those dark brown orbs! He was staring straight into me, was he so fond of staring?

I moved my eyes towards his face, amusement showering it. He was sitting on the driving seat of a jeep with his eyes trained on me. I looked away though his eyes didn't inch away.

"Aren't they from your school, Ru?" Mom questioned, why she had to notice them? I rested properly on the seat, thinking that would escape me from his gaze.

"Hmm..." I hummed in response.

"Do you know them, Ru?" Dad sounded rather concerned so unlike mom who was curious to know about them being in our school.

"Hmm... seniors, they are seniors," I mumbled to myself but they could hear me in the quiet car. I switched off the music, those dark brown orbs had spoiled my mood. We were waiting near the signal and unfortunately, their jeep was parked beside us. I slowly moved my gaze to glance at them. They were wearing a blue jersey and obviously our school name was imprinted on them. So, maybe that brought mom to the conclusion.

There was one unknown figure, the only girl but she wasn't like other girls labelled as popular. Unlike wearing an extra short dress, and tons of makeup. She was in one of the blue jerseys, cheering as she sat with rest on the back of the jeep. I found Varun, Anuj on the back while Aarav was sitting next to Ehaan in the front. They were celebrating maybe worn a cup. Anuj caught me staring at them and passed a smile, I gave a nervous one again darting my gaze in another direction. I thought looking at another side would be a good idea but I was highly mistaken. Another jeep of nearly the same as that of Ehaan was parked.

"Shit!" I muttered to myself. I kept myself hidden as much as I could, on the jeep was sitting Rudr along with his gang and the only person I knew was Kunal and Mia whom I wasn't desiring to encounter after that incident on the playground.

"Oh, see who is here! RUHI!" He called it out extra loud. No! Please, my parents were along with me. What would they think?

"They know you?" I heard the appalled voice of mom. Please, only if the ground could open and hide me from the upcoming conversation. It wasn't a big deal for schoolmates to know each other but it was for me, highly my own classmates recognized my name. Senior knowing me was huge a deal!

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