🎂 𝑬𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒀𝑼𝑫𝑲𝑩𝑯𝒊𝒂𝒏 🎂

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~ 🄰🅄🄶🅄🅂🅃 22, 2021 ~

Shreeti Di isn't just the eldest member of our community. She's also the eldest member of our fandom. And so on account of her birthday, we will be doing something different- retracing her journey on wattpad! ❤️

Embrace yourselves to walk with us into the world of Shreeti Di's Wattpad hike. ❤️

2018 was the year she kept her first foot on Wattpad, when neither she nor we knew how it would be a journey from then on, where she'll become so very special and close to each and every YUDKBHian.

She began her voyage in the ocean of Wattpad as a silent reader followed by becoming a less expressive one by doing some comments here and there. But as time passed, she not just started getting more expressive in comment section, but even found her way to the dms of numerous YUDKBH writers and readers. She became such an important reader that her POVs, her appreciations and her criticisms became a motivation and a learning opportunity for hundreds. And with this, she became that very reader whom most of the writers identified.

It wasn't long before she became a very important and significant part of YUDKBH fandom on Wattpad. She also helped writers with the plots and not just expanded her reading arena but also the fandom as well. She became someone whom we all lovingly call as a YUDKBH Nazi!

She wasn't just the reader people recognised but also became more of a friend to almost all the writers, which is why even when she became a bit inactive due to her busy schedule, her essence and impact never left wattpad, which is also why she's been one of the rarest readers who has had such a following!

It was this year that she entered our community and has been an important part of it since.

Over the time, she has played multiple roles in our lives, helping us out as a friend, understanding us like an elder sister, protecting and alerting us like our parents and of course, making us feel so her own, like family. She's not just warm and caring but also very supportive and encouraging as well. A truly amazing human and we are glad to have her with us. She's been our guiding force, helping us sail through the bad times. She's been our inspiration and has been diligently working for the betterment of our community.

It's just recently that she published her first book and has stepped into the world of writing on Wattpad. We wish her a lot of success and hope to see many such books published.

FamiliaDeYUDKBH  celebrates its fortune of having such a wonderful soul along and we wish her all the luck and love for her future endeavours.


𝙵𝚘𝚛: bhsh22
𝚆𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗 𝙱𝚢: Psr1403
𝙴𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙱𝚢: pahul_gpk

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