🎂 𝑱𝒂𝒊𝒑𝒖𝒓𝒊 𝑲𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒂𝒗 🎂

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~ 🅂🄴🄿🅃🄴🄼🄱🄴🅁 22, 2021 ~

21st September, 2021

The mid night sky twinkled with lots of stars littered all around. A time when usually people will be sleeping soundly, but not everyone, especially when the special day is about to start at the strike of twelve.

Here our birthday girl Annie as expected sat awake answering calls after calls, getting her pre birthday wishes. The moment the clock's hands hit 12, it let out a loud alarm which made her jerk due to sudden noise. Her family members must have set it to remind them the time is here. She rolled her eyes and turned it off, and soon her face lit up as she saw them coming towards her singing the birthday song. After a while when they all finished their mini celebration for the night, they bid her a good night and dispersed.

Annie settled herself on the bed and smiled to herself recalling all the wishes and blessings. since all her near and dear ones had already wished her, she decided to sleep hoping to get up early tomorrow. But little did she know that there is much more awaiting for her in the night itself. All of a sudden, her phone rang, making her scrunch her nose due to the disturbance and she got up to pick it up. The screen flashed an unknown number. She narrowed her eyes, wondering if she should attend it or not, may be not, that too at such odd hours... or should she? May be someone is calling to wish her.

Lost in her own thoughs, she didn't realise when the phone call ended on it's own, making her sigh. But before she could put the phone down, it started ringing again. Hesitantly, she finally pressed the green button and said, "Hello?"

There was no reply. She checked if the phone was still on, and then again spoke, "Hello? Is anyone there?"

But much to her irritation, no reply came from the other end which irked her. But before she could scold the said person, the call ended.

"Ajeeb hai, baat nahi karni thi to meri neend kharab karne phone kyu kiya?" She groused and put her phone on silent mood and went to bed, determined to sleep peacefully. In the drakness of her room, the flashlight from her mobile phone beamed. She turned, prompted to check why it beamed. The lights wents off and again it beamed. Curious to check the disturber, she got up and grabbed her phone. It was the same unknown number, but this time, with a message. She clicked it open and it mentioned.
"Something special is awaiting your arrival in your wardrobe."

"Meri wardrobe mai to kuch special nahi hai. Aur isko kaise pata meri wardrobe mai kya hai." She thought to herself suspiciously, and then typed back, "Who are you? Can I know your name?"

A smiley flashed on her screen followed by a message stating "One among your well wishers. Now check your wardrobe. QUICK!!"

Astonished by the confidence of the caller, she walked to her cupboard. The moment she opened it, her room started swirling and a sudden force pushed her into the cupboard making her yelp, but instead of banging she felt herself falling. Gasping at the realisation, she looked down, only to find the missing surface. She.. she was actually falling...

She screamed on the top of her lungs, moving her hands and legs hastily, trying to grasp something, when suddenly a flying broomstick arrived and she landed on it. She clutched it with a death grip, her heart pounding in anxiety, she looked at the broomstick and her senses jolted her "Where is this taking me? How can opening my wardrobe lead to this? How on earth is all this happening?"

She gripped the front of the broomstick and innocently tried to direct it, "Mujhe ghar jana hai... Mujhe wapas leke jao abhi ke abhi." She tried commanding, masking her fear.

The broomstick halted, making her think, "Did it agree to my command?" Her hopes soared at the little thought, but the very next moment she screamed as it dipped and increased its speed making her live a rollercoaster ride without any safety precaution. It stopped after what felt like an eternity, dropped her on ground and went away.

𝐊𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐊𝐎𝐑𝐀- 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭Where stories live. Discover now