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Sorry it's been a while since I updated, to make it up to you I'll make sure this chapter is very long

--10 years later, Raura had a another baby called Ryder, he's 5. Aubrey's 15 she's also a famous singer now, she still goes to school and gets bullied by Jason although she hasn't told anyone about it. Aubrey still has cancer but she's close to getting rid of it, R5 is still on, Raura are close to forgiving Caini and Emily is thinking about moving back to Cali--

--With Aubrey at school--

Aubrey's walking down the school hallway to find her locker since its free period, once she gets to her locker she starts to open it when she got slammed into the lockers, once the figure moved away from her she collapsed to the floor gasping for air.

??: BITCH! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?! (Furious)

Aubrey's struggling to breathe.

Aubrey: B-Bec-because you d-deser-deserved it.

??: You didn't need to tell the head teacher I had sex with her daughter!!

Aubrey: Well, something like that's going to happen if you keep slapping me.

??: BITCH! (Slaps her)

Aubrey: J-Jason. S-stop.

Jason: NO! Now the head won't let her daughter out of her sight.

Josephine walks over.

Josephine: Hey babe.

Jason: (Smiles) Hey sexy.

Aubrey rolls her eyes at the couple.

Mrs Applebum marches down the hall with a bullhorn.


Jason jumps back into the lockers. Josephine knows she's going to be dragged away so she kisses him. Just as Jason was about to kiss back Mrs Applebum ripped them apart.

Mrs Applebum: Not on my watch!

Jason groans whilst Aubrey giggles.

Jason: What you laughing at?

Aubrey: You.

Jason: (Confused) Why?

Aubrey: Because you can't stay away from her for more than two minutes.

Jason: Dude, I can go a month without seeing her!

Aubrey: Yeah, ok. Keep telling yourself that. (Starts walking off wearing a smirk on her face)

Jason: How about another bet?

Aubrey: (Walks back) On what?

Jason: If I go a month without seeing Josephine, I'll make sure you die. And if I can't do it then you can punish me whenever you want and however you like.

Aubrey smirks.

Aubrey: You're on!

They shake hands and go their own ways.

--After school--

Aubrey's walking home listening to Ariana Grande- Break Free when someone tapped her on the back. She turned around to find someone that she loved and would die to protect.

--At the Lynch's house--

Rydel: Aren't you guys so proud of Aubrey? She's a famous singer now! And it's all because of youtube.

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