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Aubrey screams, tears running down her face as Terrance gets down on one knee.

Aubrey: Yes! I love you so much!

Terrance laughs.

Terrance: I love you too beautiful.

Terrace places the diamond ring on Aubrey's finger. After a minute of silence and looking at each other lovingly Aubrey starts groaning in pain and Terrance grows worried.

Terrance: You ok?

Aubrey: Yep, just c-contractions.

Aubrey starts screaming in pain and Terrance carries her up to bed.

--One week later--

Aubrey and Terrance are both in bed asleep. Aubrey keeps tossing and turning, groaning and moaning. Suddenly she wakes up and screams. Terrance jolts awake and hugs Aubrey.

Terrance: Baby, what's wrong?

Aubrey clutches her stomach. Terrance starts running around the room grabbing Aubrey another set of clothes and puts it all into a bag.

Terrance: Come on, let's get you to the hospital.

Terrance picks Aubrey up and rushes her to the car then calls Ross.

Ross: What?

Terrance: Ross get everyone to the hospital!

Ross: W-what? Why?!

Aubrey's screaming in the background.

Ross: What's wrong with my baby?!

Terrance: I don't know! That's why I'm taking her to the hospital!

Ross: Ok! I'll get everyone there as soon as possible! Don't worry, you just get Aubrey there!

Terrance: Right! Bye then!

Terrance hangs up and hurrys to the hospital, he gets Aubrey inside and a doctor takes her away from him and takes her to a room. Terrance walks to the waiting room, sits down and starts worrying.


Ross shakes Laura. Laura starts groaning.

Laura: What Ross?

Ross: Aubrey's in the hospital.

Laura jumps off the bed and starts running around trying to find something that'll fit her pregnant figure.

Once she's ready Ross and Laura go to everyone's houses and let them know about Aubrey. Once everyone else is ready they all drive in a hurry to see Aubrey.

As soon as they get to the hospital they see the doctor is talking to Terrance. Terrance spots them and motions for them to go over to him.

Ross: So what's wrong?

Terrance: The doctors think she's going to be giving birth today. She was just having bad contractions.

Laura: Then what you doing out here and not in there with her?!

Terrance sighs.

Terrance: The doctors don't want anyone seeing Aubrey until it's time for her to give birth.

Riker: But that could last all day!

Terrance groans and falls back into his seat.

Terrance: Tell me something I don't know already. Might give you a better reaction.

Riker glares at Terrance and sits down.

Stormie: So when did this all begin to happen?

Terrance: Last week when I asked her to marry me.

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