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Doctor: Your sisters Aubrey?

Ryder nods.

The Doctor bends down and whispers in his ear.

Doctor: Your sisters awake.

Ryder screams and starts crying tears of joy.

Ross: WHAT?! Why's he crying and screaming?!

The Doctor smiles.

Doctor: Ryder, why don't you tell your family the news.

Ryder smiles, clears away his tears and turns around to face his family and Aubrey's friends.

Ryder: Aubrey's...AWAKE!

Sighs of relief fill the waiting area.

Doctor: There's a little bit of bad news though.

Avan: What?

Doctor: She may have minor memory loss.

Jennette: By 'minor' you mean a little, right?

The Doctor nods.

Ariana: How much do you think she won't remember?

Doctor: At least up to a year.

Anna: So, she might not be able to remember anything that happened in the last year?

Doctor: I'm sorry, but we've tried everything.

Ross: Thank you Doctor. Can we go see her?

Doctor: I'm afraid not, it's now 7:30 and Nurse Nancy is here. Shortly she'll be checking everyone room to see if family members are in.

Laura sighs.

Laura: So what time can we go in?

Doctor: 8am tomorrow, that's when Nurse Nancy's shift finishes.

Zendaya: Thank you Doctor.

Doctor: No problem, you can either stay in the waiting room or you could go home and eat nice food and get showered.

The Doctor walks off.

Bella: So, what should we do?

Layla: I think we should all go home and freshen up for when we see Aubrey tomorrow.

Everyone else agrees but Terrance is frozen in his seat. Ross notices and sits with him.

Ross: You ok?

Terrance: What happens if she can't remember me? Then what? I'd have to hide my love and effects on for her.

Cameron: Now you know how I feel.

Terrance: How long?

Cameron: How long what?

Terrance: How long have you loved her?!

Cameron: Since the day I met her which was the day she got raped by your father.

Terrance: Fuck you, get out of my face.

Cameron: No, I wanna see your reaction.

Terrance: To what?

Cameron smiles.

Cameron: Me kissing Aubrey.

Terrance: You WHAT MATE?!

Cameron: You heard me. I've kissed Aubrey.

Ross: Since when?!

Cameron: Never, I just wanted to see his reaction.

Terrance: Get outta here!

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