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--With Aubrey--

Aubrey's been taken into jail to be questioned, she's having to stay in a cell for two days. Her family always come to visit and that makes Aubrey happy.

Officer Young: Aubrey, it's time for your questioning. Follow me.

Officer Young unlocks Aubrey's cell allowing Aubrey to follow. Aubrey's wearing an orange jumpsuit now that she's staying there overnight. Ross, Riker, Rydel, Rocky and Ryland are waiting outside the questioning room, they can hear and see everything that's happening. Aubrey doesn't know that though. Aubrey doesn't even know that they're there at this moment of time.

Officer Young: Ok Aubrey, I need you to stay here until I get back. Can you do that?

Aubrey: Yea, I guess. It doesn't sound much of a challenge though.

Officer Young chuckles at her.

Officer Young: It's not meant to be.

Officer young then silently leaves the room. Aubrey sits there wondering what her family is up too, she's worrying about her mum and Ryder. She was very close to Ryder, she knows he wouldn't do something as stupid as he did. Officer Young comes back in with two people. One looked like a Chief and the other was a man in an orange jumpsuit...that's right, Zac.

The Chief sits down in front of Aubrey and Zac sits at the end of the table.

Chief: Ms Lynch, can you please explain what happened?

Aubrey: Of course. We were at my place here in Colorado and my family and I went into the living room...it was pitch black, I turned on the light and there was Zac, sitting in the dark. It scared me, I didn't know what else to do. So I threw a vase at him.


Chief: What Zac?

Zac smirks at Aubrey.

Zac: She didn't throw a vase.

The Chiefs confused.

Chief: Then what did she throw?

Zac: She threw a knife at my head, I ducked and it hit the wall right behind me.

Aubrey: LIES!

Officer Young grabs Aubrey and tells her to calm down, once that's sorted she sits back down and remains calm.

Chief: Ok, Aubrey keep explaining.

Aubrey nodded her head.

Aubrey: So after throwing the vase, I was shouting at him to get out. That's when he said, I have your address. I got so mad and kept shouting at him, then he threatened me...

Chief: How did he threaten you?

Aubrey: He said he'd rape me in front of my family then kill them in front of me.

Chief: Has he harmed you?

Aubrey: Yes, he's slapped me and kneed me in the stomach.

Chief: So, what did you do?

Aubrey sighs.

Aubrey: I got his gun and hit it against his head making him fall unconcious.

Chief: Zac, is this all true?

Zac: No. She's lied about the whole thing. She's the one that threatened me! She's the beast! Not me! Lock her up! NOW!

Officer Young: Chief, remember, he's been here before.

Chief: Oh of course! How stupid of me! Zac you're arrested and going to be held prisoner here for 20 years.

Aubrey sighs with relief.

Chief: I don't see why you're relieved Aubrey.

Aubrey: Wh-Why?

Chief: For making him fall unconsious you're being watched 24/7, we're having a number of men watch cctv cameras all over the world so we can see if you're suspicious.

Aubrey: But I'm not.

Chief: We'll be the judge of that.

The a Chief and Zac, get up and leave the room, leaving Aubrey and Officer Young behind.

Officer Young: You ok kid?

Aubrey: Of course!

Aubrey's eyes start filling with tears and Officer Young notices.

Officer Young: Go see your family.

Aubrey: W-what?

Officer Young: They're right outside.

Aubrey runs out of the room and runs up to Ross. As soon as she is in his sight she starts crying.

Aubrey: I-I'm s-so sorry d-daddy.

Ross is soothing her by stroking her hair.

Ross: Shh...it's ok...everything's going to be ok...shhh...trust me.

Rocky, Rydel, Riker and Ryland all join in with the hug.

Aubrey: I'm s-so s-sorry you g-guys.

Riker: No, we're sorry. We thought you'd get away with it because it was self defence.

Ryland: Obviously not.

Ross slaps the back of Ryland's head.

Ryland: OW!

Rydel's phone rings.

Rocky: You going to get that?

Rydel: No, I'll call back whoever it is later.

Aubrey: Aunt Rydel, go see who phoned you and call them back.

Rydel: Only if you want me to.

Aubrey: I want you to.

Rydel smiles.

Rydel: Ok cutie, only for you.

Rydel walks off.

Ross: Who do you guys think it was?

Everyone: Ratliff.

Everyone laughs.

--With Rydel--

Rydel sees that Ratliff is the one who called her so she decides to call him back.

Ratliff: Hello?

Rydel: Hey handsome, how are you?

Ratliff: Not so good.

Rydel: Aw, baby what's wrong?

Ratliff: I did something and you're going to hate me for it.

Rydel: Oh stop being such a baby! I could never hate you.

Ratliff: That might change after this convosation.

Rydel: Oh cut the crap babe, what's happened?

Ratliff mumbles.

Ratliff: Laura and I kissed.

Rydel: I'm sorry what? That was too quiet.

Ratliff says it loud and clear.

Ratliff: Laura and I kissed..

With that Rydel hung up on Ratliff and burst into tears.

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