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--On the bus back to school--

Robyn: Don't you guys feel really bad for Aubrey?

Everyone nods.

Cameron: She doesn't deserve this.

Hunter starts laughing and everyone looks at him confused.

Anna: What?

Hunter: Aubrey's got Cameron's jumper and it's now covered in blood.

Cameron shrugs.

Cameron: It's cool, she needed it and that's why I gave it to her. She's one of my best friends. I'd do almost anything for her. Plus, she can wash it for me then.

Robyn turns to face him.

Robyn: How much would you do for me?

Cameron smiles at her whilst looking in her eyes.

Cameron: Anything.

Robyn: Anything?

Cameron nods smiling.

Cameron: Anything.

Robyn smiles back at him and they kiss. Anna and Layla 'aw' them and they pull away.

Anna&Layla: We ruined the moment!

The two of them scream with pride causing everyone on the bus to look at them weirdly.

--Back at school with Terrance--

Stewart: So I hear little Miss Perfect got arrested?

Terrance: Jessica?

Stewart nods and Terrance sighs.

Terrance: Yea. She was the love of my life. I don't know what I should do.

Stewart: Well, what are your options?

Terrance: 1) Move on. 2) Get myself into prison too. 3) Die. 4) Move on to Aubrey because she was pretty fit and I'd love to do her again.

Stewart smirks.

Stewart: I think I know what you're going for.

Terrance: What?

Stewart: Aubrey.

Terrance sighs.

Terrance: Yea but I just beat her up.

Stewart smirks again.

Stewart: Yea I know, it's all over YouTube.

Terrance: WHAT?! That wasn't apart of my plan! Who posted it?!

Stewart looks down.

Terrance: Stewart?! How could you!

Stewart: I'm sorry but you said you wanted to ruin her life! And I sort of did because the videos now trending worldwide.

Stewart smirks being proud of himself whilst Terrance clenches his fists and punches him in the face. Stewart was taken back and punched back. Before you knew it there was a big fight.

So big the police got involved. Both Terrance and Stewart got arrested and are going in for questioning because the police think that Jessica was behind all of this.

As they were being taken to the car.

Stewart: I think your choice has changed.

Terrance: No shit Sherlock.

Aubrey's friends get off the bus to see them being arrested. They all gasp.

Layla: Who's going to tell Aubrey after school?

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