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--Jennette's POV--

Ok so we've been waiting for Laura to come back now for over two hours, Ross started panicking like crazy saying stuff like "Where the hell can a pregnant woman be?!" Or "If they lay so much as a finger on her I'll kill 'em with my BARE HANDS!!"

Avan: Ross don't worry she'll be fine.

Ross: How can you be sure about that?!?!

??: Be so sure about what?

All: LAURA!!

Ross: Baby, untie me please so I can hug and kiss you!

Laura: Ugh! If I must.

Laura unties everyone.

Mark: Laura where's my wife?

Laura: (Takes a deep breath) Shesinthehosoitalbecauseigavehermedicationanditcausedhertopassout. (Breathes out panting)

Riker: English woman!

Laura: (Shoots him a death glare) She's in the hospital because I gave her medication and it caused her to pass out.

Rocky: WHAT?!

Laura: Calm down! The longest she's going to be unconsious for is 72 hours.

Ross: At least she's still alive! And baby, did my mum do anything to you?

Laura: She tried to kill the baby but then I tripped her and gave her the mediation. Then I had to put her on the motorbike and I drove her to the hospital.

--Later at the hospital--

--Mark's POV--

I walked into the room first and saw my beloved wife lying down on a bed all pale and unconsious. I walked up to her and held her hand.

Me: Baby, I don't know if you can hear me but... Please come home! I miss you. I need you. Your my world. I can't raise all the kids on my own! And don't you want to meet your granddaughter that's going to be born soon! Then see all the kids get married! All but Rydel... She's not getting married till long after I've died.

As I kissed her forehead and started to the door, I heard "beeping" I turned around and noticed it was Stormie. Doctors and nurses ran in to see if she was ok.

Me: That's my wife please tell me she's OK!

Nurse: Please sir you have to leave.

Me: Not until I hear her voice!

The doctor stops looking at the machine, comes up to me and says...






























Doctor: She's dead.

Me: WHAT?! All the girl did was give her medication!!!

Doctor: Dude chill, I was joking.😂You should've seen your reaction😂

Me: You call THIS A JOKE?!😡What kind of sick man are you?!

Doctor: I'm not sick at all... I help people that are sick sure. But I'm not sick!

Me: You just said my wife is dead for a joke!!!

Doctor: Right, well... I think you should go to the canteen and take a chill pill.

Me: (Calms down) Ok, I think that's for the best.

Doctor: Let's go get someone to go with you.

Me: Ok, anyone as long as it's not Laura.

The doctor and I walk out into the waiting room.

Doctor: Will someone please go to the canteen with Mr Lynch to keep him company?

Everyone: We'll go.

Me: Anyone but Laura.

I notice Laura look down upset.

Laura: I'm going to go take a walk.

Ross: Are you sure you want to go alone?

Laura: Positive. Now go with your dad. He needs you more than I do.

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