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--A few days later--

--With Riker--

Riker wakes up and looks down.

Riker: When did this happen?

Then he remembers that he was going to get jumped by a few big men, so he ran to a tree and must've fallen asleep on the tree branch. After a few minutes he wakes up fully and decides to climb down the tree.

When he got down he looked around and saw nobody around so he put his earphones in and was currently listening to Shut Up and Dance by Walk The Moon. He turned the volume up so its at its loudest and started walking down the streets. After walking for a while Riker bumped into someone and they both fell to the floor. Riker took his earphones out and turned red.

Riker: Listen hear buddy! Who do you think you ar-

The person looked up at Riker and his eyes widened with love and lust. The girl panics and starts talking really quickly.

??: I-I'm so sorry! That was an honest accident, I swear I didn't mean for that to happen!

Riker: Whoa, slow down. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout, I'm just having a bad time at the minute.

??: It's cool, I'm really sorry though.

Riker chuckles.

Riker: Don't be.

Riker stands up and holds his hand out for her, the girl smiles and takes his hand allowing Riker to pull her up.

Riker: I'm Riker, Riker Lynch. And you are?

??: I'm Allison, Allison Holker.

Riker: And you're truly beautiful.

Allison blushes.

Allison: Thanks but, I'm married and I have a kid.

Riker: I don't care.

Allison: Yea but I'm sure my husband will.

Riker spins her around then dips her and leans in until he hears a cough. Riker looks around and sees a tall black man (not meaning to be racist), and the man is holding hands with a very pretty young girl.

Allison: Stephen! It's not what it looks like!

Stephen: I know babe, I saw the whole thing.

Allison gulps and whispers to Riker to leave. Riker shakes his head and stands up properly.

Riker: Look man, I'm sorry. I was just...just er, just-

Allison: Showing me how well he can dance!

Riker looks at her confused. Allison nods.

Allison: Yea, he was telling me how he's always wanted to be on Dancing With The Stars. So I talked to the producers and they looked him up and agreed that having him would be good!

Stephen nods not fully convinced.

Stephen: Ok then.

Stephen faces Riker and holds out his hand, Riker gives him a hand shake.

Stephen: I guess I'll see you around the dance studio.

Riker: Yea, see you around.

Stephen walks off with his and Allison's daughter. Allison sighs out of frustration.

Riker: What was that?

Allison: That was me lying to my husband! And now we need to get you on the show! You can dance, right?

Riker: You tell me.

Riker steps back and does a few dance moves leaving Allison stunned.

Allison: If you go on Dancing With The Stars, we could win by the looks of your dancing.

Riker smiles.

Riker: Thanks.

Allison smiles.

Allison: Come on, let's go!

Allison starts running towards the studio and Riker is still standing where she left him.

Riker: Hey! Wait up!

Allison laughs and carries on running. Riker shakes his head whilst smiling and runs after her. They carry on running until they get to the studio. Both of them are out of breath.

Riker: S-so who a-are we t-talking t-to first?

Allison: L-Len?

Riker nods.

Riker: L-lets do it.

The two of them walk to Len's dressing room and knock on the door. They wait for a minute u til they hear a faint "one minute" then they just stood there waiting patiently. Allison whispers to Riker.

Allison: Let me do all the talking. Ok?

Riker nods.

Riker: Go for it.

They wait a little longer then Len walks out. Len smiles at the two of them.

Len: Hello Allison.

Allison: Hey Len.

Len looks at Riker.

Len: And you are?

Riker: Oh I'm Riker, Riker Lynch.

Len smiles at them.

Len: And how may I help you two?

Allison: Um, I was wondering if you could make Riker's dream come true?

Len slightly chuckles.

Len: Why Allison, it depends what it is.

Allison: He wants to be on the 20th Season of Dancing With The Stars. Do you think you can make it possible?

Len looks Riker up and down.

Len: Depends if he can dance.

Allison: Oh he can dance alright.

Len: I'd like to see for myself Allison.

Allison: Right.

Allison looks at Riker and motions for him to dance. Riker starts dancing, once he finished he looked at Ken and Len was smiling and speechless.

Allison: Very good, am I right?

Allison slightly nudges Len.

Len: Very good indeed!

Len faces Riker.

Len: Riker, how would you like to be apart of the show?

Riker smiles widely.

Riker: Really?!

Len laughs.

Len: Of course!

Riker: Well most definitely!

Len shakes Riker's hand.

Len: I'll make sure you two are paired together.

Allison: Awesome! Thanks Len.

Len: No problem, now if you excuse me, I need to use the lavatory, I'll see you guys in the studio.

Riker and Allison: Bye Len.

Len walks off, Allison and Riker face each other and start screaming and cheering like little girls.

Allison: We better go get a head start at practicing! I need to win this year! I need to make my family proud!

Riker smiles at her lovingly.

Riker: I'm pretty sure they already love you Allison, you're perfect.

Allison blushes.

Allison: I better head home and get my stuff, meet me at the studio, I'll be there soon!

Allison then runs off and goes home to get all of her stuff.

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