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--Ariana's POV--

Wow. Ok Stormie's NEVER rude and she just said to Laura "Don't talk to me you son of a bitch". Wow. That might hurt Laur with the pregnancy hormones.

Laura: Stormie calm down.

Stormie: Take all weapons away from yourself.

Laura: Ok... Ok. Just stay calm.

Stormie: I want you to remove all weapons facing everyone on the wall.

Laura nods her head and faces us.

Stormie: If there's any up your shirt you must take it off so I can see for if there's a next time.

Laura: Yes boss. (Sarcastic)

Stormie: And don't be sarcastic with me young lady.

Laura: Got it.

Before Laura takes her shirt off she's singing the chorus of 'Okay' by Blackhouse Mike.

Laura: There is no upper hand
I'm giving you mine
It doesn't have to end up wasting your time
There's things that I could say
But hear it my way
I want to let you know that it's all okay.

Stormie: Stop singing and unarm yourself.

Laura: Yes m'am.

Laura was about to take her shirt off looking at me. She mouthed "Help me" and only I understood what she meant.


Laura's in her room not feeling well so I brought her flowers and chocolate.

Me: Hey Laur I brought you some stuff, can you open up?

Laura: Um... Sure. (Opens the door) Come in.

Me: Alrighty now what's wrong?

Laura: Promise you won't tell anyone?

Me: Promise.

Laura lifts her shirt to show blue and purple marks all across her stomach from the baby.

Me: OMG! Laur you need to get it checked out.

Laura: No because then Ross will worry.



Laura: Right. On it.

Laura lifted her shirt over her head to hear gasps coming from everyone.

Ross: Laur, what happened?!

Laura: (Starts to cry) I don't know! The baby caused it and I don't know how! And all I know is that it's bloody painful.

Ross: Why didn't you tell me?

Laura: Because I knew you would worry and I didn't want that.

Ross: Did you tell anyone?

Laura: Yes I told Ariana.

Ross: Ariana you knew and didn't tell me?

Me: I promised Laura. Laura I guess you'll be going to hospital now to get yourself sorted out.

Laura: Yay... Note the sarcasm.

I chuckle at her... Enthusiasm.

Me: Laura you might want to hurry and loose the weapons.

Laura: Oh yea, I forgot... Again.

Laura takes all the guns, knives, daggers and grenades out of her shirt.

Laura: Done.

Stormie: Now to make sure your not lying, walk to me.

Laura: Ok. (Walks up to Stormie)

Stormie: Stop. (Laura carries on walking) I said STOP! (Tries shooting)

Ross: Laura DUCK!

Laura ignores and carries on walking. She picks Stormie up and carries her to a chair which she gets handcuffed to.

Stormie: Let me GO!

Laura: Not until your cured. Wait here. (Turns to the wall) You guys keep an eye on her. (They all nod)

--Laura's POV--

I ran up to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of alcohol and an empty glass. When I went back down to the secret room Stormie wasn't anywhere to be found and everyone had tape over their mouths. I ran up to Mark and tore the tape off of his mouth.

Me: What's happened?! Where's Stormie?!

Mark: This dude came in with a baseball bat and hit Stormie over the head with it and she fell unconsious and he came up to us and put tape over all our mouths as we tried calling for you.

Me: Do you have the tracking app on your phone?

Mark: No but Ross does.

I walked up to Ross and felt his pockets for his phone.

Me: Where's your phone?

Ross: Mhfgybvj

Me: I'm sorry what?

Ross: Mbjxfnhk

Me: What?

Mark: The tape woman!

Me: Oh yea. Is one of the symptoms of being pregnant forgetful?

Mark: I have no clue.

Me: Aight, Baby this might hurt. (Rips the tape off)

Ross: (Girly scream he does on A&A) Babe, that hurt.

Me: I'm sorry... Now where's your phone?

Ross: Back pocket.

Me: Why not your front?

Ross: Guys have reasons.

Me: I don't have time for this. (Goes into his back pocket and Ross groans) Is this one of the reasons?

Ross:... Maybe. (I smirk)

Me: Got it!

??: Not for long you don't.

Ross: Babe run!

Me: Don't have to tell me twice!

I run to go upstairs.

??: I need more men in here!

Just then over 10 guys were coming down the stairs so I ran back down. I saw the window and a motorbike, luckily nobody was near there. I smirked to myself. I walked up to Ross, whispered in his ear what was going to happen and he chuckled.

??: Grab the girl! I don't trust her!

Me: Nobody does!

With that I ran up to the bike and SMASH oops went through the window.

??: After her! We can't let her find the woman!

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