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Aubrey: So, Cam, are you going to show me the way to the office so I can get my timetable?

Cameron: Sure, right this way.

Cameron and Aubrey catch up whilst walking to the office. They were having the time of their lives until they arrived in front of a bright red cherry door.

Cameron: This is it.

Aubrey: Ok, am I going in alone or...?

Cameron: Go on in, I'll wait here for you.

Aubrey: Thanks.

Aubrey knocks on the door to hear a deep shallow voice.

??: Enter.

Aubrey walks in.

??: You must be my newest pupil to enrol this school? What's your name again?

Aubrey: Aubrey, Aubrey Lynch.

??: Well I'm the headmaster, but please call me Mr Hench.

Aubrey and Mr Hench start talking.

Mr Hench: My daughter Robyn is a huge fan of yours. She has your poster on the wall. All she ever does is dance around and sing along to your songs. You're like a drug to her.

Aubrey chuckles.

Aubrey: Is that a good thing?

Mr Hench: Well, now that you're friends she can stop bugging me about tracking you down so she can meet you.

Aubrey chuckles.

Aubrey: I've never heard that one before.

Mr Hench: Anyways, here's your timetable, I'll give you a note to all of your teachers today explaining its your first day.

Aubrey: Thank you sir.

Mr Hench: No problem, do you need someone to show you around or has a friend stuck by to show you around?

Aubrey: I think my friend Cameron Boyce is waiting outside, let me just check quickly.

Aubrey peeked her head out of the door and sighs.

Mr Hench: Is everything alright?

Aubrey: Yea. Just when I thought he'd changed! Obviously not, anyways, sir I need someone to show me around.

Mr Hench: Of course, I'll show you around now.

Aubrey: Thank you sir, that's very considerate of you.

Mr Hench: Why thank you Aubrey.

Mr Hench shows Aubrey around the school then takes her to her classroom which is Biology. Mr Hench just walks straight in introducing Aubrey to everyone.

Mr Hench: Good morning Mr John this is our new student Ms Aubrey Lynch.

As soon as he said that everyone was jumping with excitement.

Mr John: Everyone quieten down! Now Ms Lynch, I hear that you're famous.

Aubrey just nods her head.

Mr John: Please sit anywhere you like.

Aubrey: Thank you.

Aubrey walks into the centre of the classroom and locks eyes with a guy. He has brown hair that flopped just the right way, he has no hair gel or any hair supply. His eyes were blue, crystal blue. And when he smiles his teeth glisten. His smile sends shivers down her spine. She looked next to him and nobody was sitting there.

Aubrey: Please sir, may I sit here?

Mr John: Why of course, only as long as it's ok with Master Terrance.

Terrance: Of course. I would love to have a girl like you sit next to me. That would make me feel like the luckiest guy alive.

The whole class awe'd and that caused Aubrey to blush and look down. Aubrey went and sat with him whilst Mr Hench and Mr John were talking.

Terrance: So, Aubrey. When did you first become interested in music?

Aubrey: Well my father is in a band and when I was younger I'd go to his concerts then one night my father said to me 'it's scary out there, many people' I wasn't scared so I took a microphone and started singing. I got cheers and people loved me. It was one of the happiest moments of my life.

Terrance: Touching. That really is. Now, can I ask you a few questions?

Aubrey: Shoot.

Terrance: Ok first thing, I've never heard of you before so I know nothing.

Aubrey: That's fine.

Terrance: Ok so what type of music do you write?

Aubrey: Anything really. My favourite is pop though.

Terrance: Mine to.

Aubrey: You write music?

Terrance: Yea, you going to think I'm proper gay now right?

Aubrey: No. I love it when people write songs because it shows their emotions. I find it meaningful.

Terrance: I'm so glad I met you. You're gorgeous, musical, sweet and...that's all I know about you so far.

Aubrey: Well, now that we're biology partners, you'll be putting up with me more. So you'll learn.

Terrance smiles at her and Aubrey feels like she's floating in the clouds.

Aubrey: So, would you like to meet my friends and eat with us at lunch?

Terrance: Sure, but I have football practise at 12:35.

Aubrey: Ok. So what's your favourite sport?

Terrance: Football...duh!

Aubrey giggles.

Terrance: I love that giggle.

Aubrey: I love you.

Aubrey realises what she said and smacked her hand against her mouth and blushes a deep crimson.

Terrance just chuckles.

Terrance: It's nothing to be ashamed of. I think I'm in live with you to.

Aubrey: But how? We just met.

Terrance: I know that. But I feel like I know you from somewhere.

Aubrey: Well, I used to live in Cali then I got kicked out of my house and moved out here to Colorado.

Terrance: Wow. Mean parents?

Aubrey: Oh god no! It all turned out to be an April Fool. My family got me good.

Terrance: Explain it to me.

Aubrey smiles.

Aubrey: If I bore you, tell me to shut up.

Terrance nods and Aubrey just explains to him the whole story of what happened.

Terrance: Wow...you must've felt like you were on a roller coaster! I know I would've.

Aubrey: Life was pretty hard but then it all turned out to be a joke.

Terrance: Ok, anyways what's been the worst part of your life?

Aubrey: When I was 5 I was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer and it spread to my lungs so I couldn't breathe on my own and I had to carry a bag around with me carrying oxygen and I got shot protecting my best friend who now doesn't remember me.

Terrance: Oh, wow that is bad, how come she can't remember you?

Aubrey: She has amnesia and her parents made her move back to Canada, so yea, I'll never see my best friend again.

Terrance: I'll be your best friend. That's if you want me to.

Aubrey: HELL YEA!

Everyone looks at her.

Aubrey: Nothing to see here, go back to what you were doing.

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