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Aubrey points at Hunter.

Layla: WHAT?!

Hunter's standing there shocked.

Layla: Baby, tell her you're taken!

Hunter: I-I uh...

Hunter sighs.

Hunter: I'm sorry Aubrey, but I'm taken.

Terrance: Hey, why do you have a poster of A in your room?

Hunter: Because she's my idol.

Aubrey: Aw! How sweet.

Anna: Why do you have X-Ray glasses in there too?

Hunter goes red.

Ross: Explain.

Hunter: No thanks.

Ross laughs dryly.

Ross: I wasn't asking.

Hunter: I, I um... Uh...

Everyone stares at Hunter waiting for an explanation.

Terrance: Dude, answer carefully. This is my girlfriend we're talking about here.

Cameron: No! She's mine!

Terrance: No, she's mine!

Cameron: NO!

Aubrey: SHUT UP!


Aubrey: WHY NOT?!

Cameron: BECAUSE!


Cameron looses his temper and punches Aubrey in the face, causing her nose to break and make her fall unconsious.

Terrance: DUDE?!

Cameron: T, I'm so sorry. I didn't expect that to happen.

Terrance: You knocked MY girlfriend UNCONSIOUS!

Laura sighs and goes to the bathroom, gets a damp cloth and runs back over to Aubrey and places it on her head.

Cameron: Like I said, I DIDNT MEAN TOO!

Terrance: WELL YOU DID!

Aubrey slowly wakes up groaning.

Aubrey: What just happened?

Terrance: This ASS punched you in the face!

Cameron: I said IM SORRY!

Terrance: Sorry AINT gonna cut it! You hurt MY girlfriend! The one person that means the world to me!

Aubrey: SHUT IT!

Everyone looks at her.

Aubrey: Who are you guys?

Hunter: I'm Hunter.

Anna: Anna.

Layla: Layla.

Robyn: Robyn.

Thomas: Thomas.

Cameron: Cameron.

Terrance: Terrance, your boyfriend.

Aubrey smiles.

Aubrey: I can see why I love you.

Terrance: Really?

Cameron: Yea, really?!

Anna hits Cameron in the head.

Cameron: OW!

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