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And they walk in. Once they see Laura they're all crying. Laura's hooked up to 5 different machines to keep her breathing steadily. Laura's face was covered in cuts and dried blood, her right arm and left leg were already put into casts. After examining at Laura for so long Aubrey says.

Aubrey: If you guys want to say anything to her, say it now before another doctor comes in.

Ross: I'll go first.

Ross walks up to Laura, pulls the chair next to the bed and starts talking.

Ross: Baby, I'm sorry for what I said, it was unacceptable and its my fault this all happened. When you said you didn't want to go in the sea I should've respected that and not said those horrid things. I love you so much...I really do. And when you get out of the hospital I'll take you on another date to say sorry for the last one and to show you how much I love you.

Ross kisses Laura's lips.

Aubrey: Aw!

Ross pulls away and looks at Aubrey.

Aubrey: And I ruined the moment.

Rocky: Finally! I'm not the only one!

Aubrey giggles.

Aubrey: Uncle Rocky, do you want to say anything?

Rocky: Sure, why not.

Rocky sits next to Laura.

Rocky: Hey Laur, just so you know, I'm sorry the rest of my brothers and sister aren't here. The guys didn't believe me when I said you were in here so I came alone. I just want to say, you're a fighter and I know you'll be ok. You'll be in pain but you'll be better before you know it! We'll all support you, you're the best sister ever.

Ross: What about Delly?

Rocky: Ross, Laura's here. Shut up!

Ross puts his hands up in surrender making Aubrey giggle.

Ross: Sorry.

Rocky: Anyways, all I know is that we all care and we all know you'll be fine.

Doctor walks in and looks at Aubrey.

Doctor: So doctor, how's her blood levels?

Aubrey: They're looking steady at the moment.

Doctor: How's her breathing?

Aubrey: Gets better then there are moments she stops briefly.

Doctor: How's her arm?

Aubrey: The bone is slowly mending, she should be able to get the cast off in 3 weeks.

Doctor: How about her leg?

Aubrey: The bone is not mending as fast as it should, it'll have to be in a cast for 2 months or she can have surgery.

Doctor: Just as I thought. Thank you doctor.

Aubrey: No, thank you.

The doctor leaves and Aubrey sighs with relief. Ross and Rocky stare at her with disbelief.

Rocky: How did you know what to say?

Aubrey: We did work on this at school. I know how to look for stuff like blood levels, if the bones mending ect.

Ross: So you just said the truth?

Aubrey: Of course, mums going to get the cast off her arm first because it's mending whereas the bone in her leg, isn't doing anything.

Aubrey smiles proudly.

Rocky: That's incredible.

Aubrey: If you ever need a doctor, just call me. I know so much and I'd love to share my gift with others.

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