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--Laura's POV--

??: (Knocks on the front door)

Me: (Puts Aubrey in her cot and walks downstairs) Ross did you forget something? (Giggles and opens the door, shocked)

??: Hey baby girl. (Smiles) Miss me?

Me: Elliot? What are you doing here? (Ex boyfriend he was abusive)

Elliot: I'm back from the Uk. (Smiles) Well only for a few months, then we leave again, but I'm back!

Me: Wow, it must've been quite a few years since I last saw you. (Still shocked)

Elliot: (Walks inside) Well my dad got let off work earlier than we expected. (Smiles, grabs her hand and walks into the living room)

Me: (Walks back to the door and closes it) Elliot, now isn't a good time. (Sighs)

Elliot: Why? (Chuckles)

Me: It just isn't! I've got a lot on my mind!

Elliot: So?! (Holds her hand and pulls her closer) I missed you, I'm glad I'm back so we can pick up where we left off. (Smiles)

Me: (Let's go) We can't! I never loved you! You abused me and I was scared of you! Plus, a lots changed, I've met someone else. (Smiles)

Elliot: Who? (Laughs)

Me: Ross Lynch.

Elliot: Ross Lynch?! (Gets angry) Why are you with him? I mean I don't want to sound rude... Oh no, I do. But we had a great relationship!

Me: I love Ross! He doesn't hurt me! And he cares for me more than anything! And like I said ALOT has happened!

Elliot: Like what? (Furious)

Aubrey: (Starts crying)

Elliot: What's that?

Me: My baby... Ross' baby.

Elliot: You've had a baby with Ross?!

Me: Yes.

Elliot: Laura he doesn't even love you! He just wanted to get in your bed, and by the looks of it you let him. (Laughs a bit)

Me: We love eachother, he wouldn't do that and he loves Aubrey! (Smiles and crosses her arms)

Elliot: Ohhh Aubrey, that's the baby's name. (Angry and fake laughs, walks towards Laura)

Me: Ok, I think it's time that you left! (Nervous)

Elliot: No I want to talk about this! (Crosses his arms)

Me: Please just go!

Elliot: So Ross knocked you up and now you think he loves you? (Chuckles)

Me: How dare you! (Slaps him)

Elliot: OW! God I'm sorry if I offended you but that's not on, I mean if you were with me I'd help take care of Avery.

Me: It's Aubrey!

Elliot: (Smirks and takes her hand) Shut up you little slut! (Let's go of her hand violently)

Me: (Angry)

Elliot: So where's little Aubrey? (Smiles evily) I'd love to meet her.

Me: Don't go near my baby!

Elliot: No think about it! Me, you and Aubrey living a happy life. (Smiles) I can picture it now.

Me: That will NEVER happen, do you hear me?!

Elliot: (Angry and raises his hand) Shut up!

Me: (Nervous) Go on I can take it!

Ross: (Runs in and grabs Elliot by the t-shirt and pushes him against the wall) Look what the cat dragged in!

Elliot: (Smirks) Think your Mr Cool! Don't worry bro, I'll take good care of Aubrey! (Smiles deviously)

Ross: (Punches him in the face)

Elliot: (Falls to the floor)

Ross: If you EVER raise your hand to my girlfriend or EVER speak about my daughter I will destroy you! (Grabs him by his jacket and throws him out. Runs to Laura and hugs her tight) Are you ok? (Kisses her forehead)

Me: Yea. He just stormed in asking for me to go out with him again, then I told him about Aubrey and he exploded!

Ross: It's ok, I'm here now. (Kisses her forehead)

Me: (Phone rings) One sec. (Picks up) Hello?

Ariana: Hey Laura! What's up?

Me: Elliot's back! (Nervous)

Ariana: Ugh! That kid annoys me!

Me: And he knows about Aubrey and he was about to hit me and I showed no emotion what's so ever.

Ariana: Where the hell was Ross?!

Me: He was at the shop but he came in just in time.

Ariana: Oh my god! Are you ok?!

Me: Yea, just shocked. He wanted to see Aubrey, he kept saying how him, Aubrey and I would be a better family.

Ariana: Freak! Don't let him get to you Laura! He's gone now.

Me: Yea you're right. Can you call up tomorrow morning?

Ariana: Of course! Do you want me to bring the gang?

Me: Sure, thanks. I better go.

Ariana: Ok, bye. (Hangs up)

Me: Can we cuddle now?

Ross: (Laughs and puts his arm around her. Goes upstairs and spends the night with Laura and Aubrey)

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