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I know I've confused things for some of you and I'm clearing it up now, Ross Laura Aubrey and Ryder have their own house in Colorado. Stormie and everyone moved out into their own house in Colorado. And Rydellington have moved into their own house.
--After 2 hours--

Aubrey and Mr Burrows arrive back at their destination. Mr Burrows hands Aubrey something. Aubrey looks at it and smiles widely.

Aubrey: Really?

Mr Burrows: I think you're ready for it Ms Lynch. You did yourself proud.

Aubrey starts jumping around.

Aubrey: Yea I did!

Mr Burrows chuckles and walks back into the building whilst Aubrey calms down and makes the fact that she got her drivers liscence sink into her head. Once done so, she walks back into the building confidently and then sees Ross.

Her heart breaks. Aubrey's unsure of walking over to him but she knew she had to, she walked up to Ross hesitantly. Ross notices she's walking over to her and stands up.

Ross sighs.

Ross: How'd it go?

Aubrey: Um, yea. It went great, thanks.

Ross: Aubrey, please don't be mad at me.

Aubrey: I'm not.

Ross: Oh well what are you then?!

Aubrey: I'm just, disappointed. I didn't think someone like you would do that.

Ross sighs.

Ross: Aubrey, how many times do I have to say sorry?

Aubrey: As many times as you want. It's not going to make me forgive you just yet though.

Ross sighs.

Ross: I know what I did was a dick move...I'm truly sorry and I hope you can sense that.

Aubrey: I can, don't worry.

There's a moment silence.

Ross: So...

Aubrey: So...

Ross: Did you get your license?

Aubrey nods.

Aubrey: Yea.

Ross smiles and goes to hug Aubrey but she stops him by placing a hand on his chest and pushes him back.

Ross: W-what?

Aubrey: You sure you wanna do that? Or do you wanna kiss me out of proudness?

Ross sighs in disappointment and walks off to the car. Aubrey realises she hurt him and feels guilty. On her way out if the building she kicks the door out of frustration.

She then gets in the car and faces Ross to see that hid face is all puffy and red from crying. Aubrey's guilt feeling got worse and worse, she covered her mouth in shock of what she'd done.

She slowly moves her other hand to Ross' back and rubs it soothingly showing him she's there for him. Ross faces Aubrey and cries harder. Aubrey chokes down her own tears.

Aubrey: I'm so sorry dad. I didn't mean to hurt you like that, I'm just seriously shocked you would do something like that to mum.

Ross: M-me too!

Ross cries harder. Aubrey sighs.

Aubrey: Dad move.

Ross is confused.

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