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--At the hospital--

Ross carries Aubrey in.

Ross: HELP MY DAUGHTERS BEEN SHOT! (Starts crying)

Nurse runs up.

Nurse: I'll take her.

Takes Aubrey, puts her on a bed and rushes her into surgery.

Everyone else runs in.

Laura: ROSS! (Crying) How is she?

Ross: I don't know. But A has been leaving the house so often then coming back and screaming, I don't know what to expect. This could end badly for all of us.

Laura: Don't say that.

Ryder: Mummy?

Laura bends down.

Laura: Yes handsome?

Ryder: What happened to Aubrey?

Ross: She got hurt saving us bud. (Smiles weakly)

Ryder: I love her. Will she be ok?

Ariana: She'll be fine, I can feel it.

Rocky: Dude! Did you guys see Aubrey punch that chick?! Holy shit she was unconsious after 1 punch to the face! Aubrey rocks!

Riker drags Rocky away.

Riker: Dude you need to learn how to shut the fuck up.

Rocky: I thought it's good to talk?

Riker: It is...just not for you.

Rocky: Why?

Rydel: Because you get everyone mad.

Rocky: I do not!

Rydel: Do too!

Rocky: Do not!

Riker: Do too!

Rocky: DO NOT!

Riker&Rydel: DO TOO!

Receptionist: SHH! ALL OF YOU!

--7 hours later--

Doctor: Aubrey Lynch?

Everyone stands up.

Doctor: Can you all please follow me?

Doctor walks off and everyone follows. They go into Aubrey's room.

Doctor: Ok so Aubrey looks asleep but she's awake, she'll open her eyes shortly don't worry, if she gets up or out of the bed get some nurses.

Ross: Ok, thank you Doctor.

Aubrey: H-hey.

Ryder runs up to the side of her bed.

Ryder: A!

Aubrey: (Slowly opens her eyes) Hey short stuff.

Ryder: Daddy, bed!

Ross: You wanna go up?

Ryder nods his head viciously.

Ross: Ok, just stay still so you don't do anything bad ok?

Ryder: Ok.

Ross puts Ryder on the bed with A. Ryder starts crying.

Aubrey: Sh...don't cry. I'm ok. Give me three weeks and I'll be walking.

Bella: Aubrey, why have you been out of the house lately?

Aubrey sighs and everyone's looking at her.

Aubrey: I was going to wait till my birthday to tell you guys but...I've been coming to the hospital to have operations to get rid of my thyroid cancer. I only need one more and then I give it a week and it should be gone.

Avan: Why's it taken so long?

Aubrey: Because they bought the new equipment a month ago and they wanted to test it on me, when they did it started to work.

Laura: Baby that's great! But why do you come home and scream?

Aubrey sighs.

Aubrey: One of the side effects of the operations is hormones, so I've been going crazy going to clubs and drinking one or twice, I come home and scream because I ended up making out with a stranger.

Zendaya: Are the strangers hot?!

Aubrey: Hell yea!

Ross looks at her.

Aubrey: No. They're stupid twats.

Ross: Good girl.

Aubrey giggles and notices Ryder's sad.

Aubrey: Boy what's wrong?

Ryder: I thought you were going to die! You saved us. I love you! (Starts crying)

Aubrey: Don't worry I'm ok. I've been shot before! And...I love you too.

Ryder hugs Aubrey and Aubrey hugs back. The doctor walks in.

Aubrey: Hey Doc!

Doctor: Sup A.

They do a handshake.

Everyone looks at them confused.

Aubrey: Oh guys, this is my doctor that's been giving me the operations to get rid of my cancer. This dude right here, is a legend!

Doctor: Yea I am! And apparently I'm an awesome kisser.

Aubrey: Who the hell said that?!

Doctor: You the other night.

Aubrey's eyes widen.

Aubrey: Not to be rude but I made out with a fit guy.

Doctor lifts his shirt up.

Aubrey: (Nervously laughs) He he...Zendaya, this is the guy I was talking about...I guess.

Zendaya eyes him up and down then drags him out of the room.

Aubrey: (Shouts after her) ZENDAYA! I NEED HIM, HES MY DOCTOR!

Zendaya: (Shouts back) NOT ANYMORE!

Receptionist: SHUT UP!

Aubrey: Damn girl.

Rocky: So how long are you in here for?

Aubrey: Ryder go with mum to get me a drink.

Laura: What? But I wanna hear!

Aubrey mouths 'I'll tell you later' Laura nods, takes Ryder's hand and they walk out.

Aubrey: So, I'm meant to be here for just under a month but...if anything goes wrong I have to stay for three months.

Rydel: WHAT?! That's crazy!

Aubrey: Exactly what I said.

Ross: Well, we'll be here everyday for you sweetie.

Aubrey smiles.

Aubrey: Thanks dad. I love you guys.

Everyone: We love you too.

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