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Aubrey continues having a long day at work, the good side is that the guys stayed with her the whole time so she had someone to talk to. And when she finishes she gets her stuff from the back, locks up the shop and walks home with the guys.

Avan: I still can't believe what you said to Terrance!

Ross puts his arm around Aubrey.

Ross: That's my baby girl for ya.

Aubrey rolls her eyes.

Aubrey: Dad, I'm not your baby girl anymore.

Ross frowns.

Ross: W-what?

Aubrey smiles.

Aubrey: I'm your little princess.

Ross sighs with relief and smiles big.

Ross: I thought you were going to say something like you were planning on running away.

Aubrey: Oh god no! That ain't ever gonna happen!

Rocky: You got that right! You have too many uncles and they'll stop you.

Avan: Anything for this little bundle of trouble.

The three of them carry on laughing between themselves. After a few more minutes of laughing and walking Aubrey gasps and grasps Ross arm.

Aubrey: Can we go to the park?!

Ross smiles.

Ross: Of course.

Aubrey turns to face the others.

Aubrey: You guys wanna come?

Ratliff: I'm in!

Rocky: Me too!

Avan: Me three!

Aubrey laughs and they all go off to the park. Once they get there they see the rest of the family is already there (including Riker and Ryland). Aubrey gasps and runs to the swings making everyone laugh.

Rydel: She has such a cute character! It's unbelievable!

Laura: I know, I know she didn't get that from me.

Everyone looks at Ross and laughs.

--With Aubrey--

Aubrey's on the swings with Ryder. Ryder gasps.

Aubrey: What?

Ryder points at a football.

Aubrey: Do you think anyone's using it?

Ryder: No. Well, nobody's near it.

Aubrey shrugs and gets off the swing.

Aubrey: Wanna come with?

Ryder: Go where?

Aubrey laughs.

Aubrey: To get the ball and play a game with the others.

Ryder: Oh. Yea!

Ryder jumps off the swing and tea two of them race to the ball. Aubrey won and shouts.

Aubrey: DAD!

Ross turns around to face Aubrey.

Ross: YEA?!

Aubrey holds up a football.

Aubrey: WANNA PLAY?!

Ross smiles.


Aubrey nods and starts warming up along with Ryder.

Ross: Does anyone else wanna play?

The all guys raise their hands except for Mark.

Ross: Don't you want to play dad? I remember you used to love playing with us.

Mark chuckles.

Mark: They were good times but no thank you. I'm going to stay here with your mother.

Ross shrugs it off.

Ross: Ok, some are going to have to be on Aubrey's team otherwise it won't be fair.

Rocky: Have you not seen that girl play?! She doesn't need anyone else on her team.

Ross shrugs.

Ross: I guess it'll be more fun for us guys!

The guys all get ready and go over to Aubrey and Ryder.

Aubrey: Ok, who's on my team?

Nobody replies.

Aubrey: Oh...I see how it is...you guys wanna beat me. Am I right?

All the guys nod and Aubrey smirks.

Aubrey: Goodluck with that.

They start playing football. After an hour the score was 10-8 to Aubrey. The guys were all on the floor panting and gasping for air whereas Aubrey was ready as ever.

Aubrey: Come on you wimps!

Riker stands up.

Riker: Hey! Nobody calls me a wimp!

Riker then falls back onto the floor. Aubrey puts her hands on her hips.

Aubrey: I didn't even go that hard on you people! God you guys are truly pathetic!

Ross stands up.

Ross: I'm your father young lady! You can't talk to me like that!

Ross then plops onto the floor landing on his butt making a 'thump' sound which made Ryder nearly piss himself with laughter. The guys stand up and have another game with Aubrey.

This time they played for two hours and the score increased. Aubrey was on 37 and all the guys were on 24. Aubrey was screaming and cheering for herself whilst the guys all have the same idea.

They go up to Aubrey. Rocky and Ryland grab her legs and Ross and Riker grab her waist and shoulders. With that they marched over to a lake. Aubrey hadn't realised and was still cheering.

Out of the blue they throw her into the lake causing Aubrey to scream. When she goes above the water she's panting and then gasping for air, along with spitting all the water out.

Aubrey then tries to climb out of the lake but can't because the mud surrounding is too slippery and causes her to fall back in. The next time she tried she grabbed a tree branch that had fallen to the ground and pulled herself out in great difficulty due to her wet clothes. Once she got out and shook some of the water off she stared at all the guys that were laughing hysterically.

Aubrey looks at them mad.

Aubrey: You guys think this is funny?!

The guys nod laughing.

Aubrey: Well I find this funny.

Aubrey smirks and walks behind each guy and pushes them in. Once all of them get to the surface they all look mad at Aubrey who's laughing hysterically. The guys started climbing and and Aubrey starts running away.

She kept running and looked back at the guys too see them all out and started running after her. Without Aubrey realising she runs into someone and they both fall onto the grass. Aubrey on top of him. Aubrey looks down at him and gasps.

Aubrey: I'm so sorry!

??: It's ok Aubrey.

Aubrey: Um, how do you know my name?

The dude laughs.

??: You're famous.

Aubrey physically face palms herself.

Aubrey: Right! I forgot that for a moment. I guess I got lost in your eyes.

Once Aubrey realised what she said she covered her mouth almost instantly. The guy looks down and blushes.
Hey guys I'm going away for a few days and there's no internet there...I'll see what I can do but if I can't find any your going to have to wait till Sunday, sorry xxx

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