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--With Aubrey--

Aubrey's on the plane on her way to Colorado, that's right, her fathers home town. She's going to stay in the log cabin the Lynch's go to every year for Christmas. She's going to stay there until everything calms down back home...She misses home deeply, she still can't believe her mum would shout at her like that. It's just not like her. Aubrey's still blaming herself for what happened and when Laura shouted at her it made her feel even more guilty.

Whilst sitting on the plane Aubrey was sitting next to a man, he looked around mid-twenties to thirties, Aubrey's sitting at the window seat and she could see through the windows reflection that throughout the journey all he did was stare at her. It made her feel really uncomfortable and excited to get off the damn plane.

After being on the plane for 2 hours the refreshments were being served to those who wanted something.

Refreshment lady: Miss? Can I get you anything?

She seemed like a slut, you could tell because the buttons on her shirt were undone so you could see her cleavage, Aubrey found it disgusting and turned away after saying 'no thank you'. The man next to her thought otherwise.

Man: I'd like to buy the beautiful girl here a glass of champagne please.

Lady: Coming right up.

The lady smiles sweetly at him whilst he just stares at her chest. Aubrey feels like she's going to barf, it's not often she sees scenes like this. The man smiles admiringly at the women whilst she was serving the champagne. Aubrey was disgusted with everything at the moment, what's going on at home, what's going on on the plane. She was confused and didn't know what to do so she just remained silent.

Once the lady served her glass to the man, he held the glass in one hand and placed his other on her thigh. His hands were ice cold it sent shivers down her spine.

Aubrey: Please don't do anything you'll regret sir.

Man: Just drink this since I bought it for you.

He smiles at her. Aubrey feels uncomfortable but doesn't want to hurt his feelings so she takes the glass and chugs down the liquid that burns her throat.

The man seems impressed, he has his jaw hanging wide open.

Man: Whoa! I've never seen a girl do that before!

Aubrey smiles cheekily.

Aubrey: Well, I'm not like most girls.

Man: I can see. I'm Zac.

He holds his hand out to her. Aubrey sighs.

Aubrey: I'm Aubrey.

Aubrey shakes his hand.

Zac: How old are you?

Aubrey: I'm 15, 16 soon.

Zac: Ah, well I hope you have a lovely birthday, are you doing anything special?

Aubrey sighs disappointed.

Aubrey: Not for a few years.

A single tear runs down her face.

Zac: Do you want to talk about it?

Aubrey shrugs.

Aubrey: Don't see why not? Well it's a long story, sure I won't bore you?

Zac: Just explain it to me.

Aubrey giggles at his impatience and explains everything to him meaning from getting shot to now. Once she had done so, she was full on crying. Zac feels really guilty so he gives her a hug.

Zac whispers.

Zac: I'm so sorry Aubrey.

Aubrey: I-it's cool, I-I'm used to ge-getting d-disappointed.

Zac: Well you shouldn't because you're a beautiful young girl, you've still got a lot to live for! First you need to find Prince Charming, then get married, then have many many kids, then watch them grow old and pass away when you think the time is right.

Aubrey smiles at the thought of having her own kids, but then frowns.

Zac: What's wrong now?

Aubrey: I miss my family.

Zac: How about, when we get off this plane you give me your families number and I'll speak to them for you. How does that sound?

Aubrey's shocked.

Aubrey: You'd do that for a girl you just met?

Zac smiles.

Zac: Of course, it'll break my heart to see a beautiful girl like you this sad for too long.

Aubrey: I'd be very greatful if you did, thank you Zac!

Aubrey hugs Zac.

Zac: No problem. Now I want to see you smiling till the plane lands otherwise I won't call your family. Got it?

Aubrey sighs happily.

Aubrey: You got yourself a deal!

--In the hospital with Raura--

Laura's got a neck brace thing on. Raura are sitting in silence until Laura speaks.

Laura: So now what?

Ross: What?

Laura sighs.

Laura: Are we getting, you know...

Laura looks down and Ross looks confused.

Laura: Are we getting divorced?

Ross: I don't know. My minds everywhere at the minute though. I'm thinking where Aubrey could be and if she's safe. I'm thinking of how we're going to get the money for Ryder. And I'm worrying if we'll actually see our kids again!

Laura: Aubrey will call eventually to let us know she's safe, don't worry.

Ross: Don't worry? Don't worry?! DONT WORRY?! My daughter is in another country and she may have nowhere to stay! She has no money! She's gonna die out there!

Laura: Don't talk like that Ross, we'll find her.

Ross: Then what about Ryder? He nearly killed you!

Laura: I honestly don't know what we're going to do about him.

Ross: All I know is that I'm getting that money and I'm going to save him!

Laura: I know, and I'll be helping!

Ross: No you won't! Remember the doctors said not to do anything wreckless!

Laura's now on the edge of tears.

Laura: Oh so an old spy can't do fuck all now can she?!

Ross: NO! Because you drove my angel away!

By now Laura's cracked and is now fully crying and shouting so she can talk properly.

Laura: That was the hurt talking Ross! You know I love her! I gave birth to her!

Ross: Doesn't mean you love her like I do. She's my baby girl, I gotta keep her safe from all harm!

Laura: Oh well how's that working for ya?!

Ross: Not so well because my WIFE drove her away by shouting at her and blaming her for our argument!

Laura: Stop blaming this on me!

Ross: I'm not!

Laura: Well start acting like it! You're making me feel like it's all my fault!

Ross: I don't have time for this!

Ross grabs his jacket and keys then walks out leaving Laura a crying wreck.


Sorry it took me so long, I was stuck for ideas

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