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Sorry I haven't been updating, I've been really busy! Like I've said before, I'll update as often as I possibly can.

Ross' POV

I can't believe it. Aubrey had sneaked out and had killed two of the three men. The last one punched her and she fell through the door and down the steps, landing on the floor unconscious and blood pouring out of her. For a few moments Ryder, Laura and I just stood there shocked. Our thoughts were interrupted when the third man had jumped out of the window and outside to his car and drove off. I raced up to the living room, grabbed the phone and called 999.

Ross: Hello?! I need an ambulance! My daughter has been punched and fell through a door, fell down steps and has landed in a heap, unconscious and blood pouring out of her!

Receptionist: Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to calm do-

Ross: DONT tell me to CALM DOWN!

Receptionist: Where should I send the ambulance?

I gave her all the information then walked around the house to see if anything was stolen. Not that really mattered to me I mean, my daughter is on the ground possibly dying! After 20 minutes of looking around the ambulance turns up and takes Aubrey to the hospital. We followed in our car and we called everyone and told them about A, they said they'd meet us there shortly too.

We were now sitting in the waiting room, the three of us crying our eyes out. We were minding our own buissness when the rest of my family turned up along with the gang and Aubrey's friends.

Stormie: Is she ok?! What happened?!

Mark grabbed Stormie and thought it would calm her down and I explained everything to everyone.

Robyn: Aubrey, did that?

She asked shocked.

Ross: Yeah, she saved us all. If it wasn't for her, we'd all probably be dead.

Saying that made even start to sob. After four hours of crying and talking quietly, Aubrey's doctor walked out.

Doctor: Aubrey Lynch?

Everyone stood up.

Laura: H-how is she?

Doctor: I'm sorry but she's in a coma and it's a 20% change she'll live.

Most of us fell to the floor and cried.

Ross: Not Aubrey, she never deserved any of this! She saved her best friend at a very young age! She had cancer! She's just become famous! She's just made new friends who she loves so much!

I cried harder.


I screamed making every single person in the waiting room stare. I could tell I made the doctor feel uncomfortable.

Doctor: Um, would you like to go and see her?

He asked unsure if I'd be safe in there, I stood up, wiped away my tears and walked in to find Aubrey hooked up to 7 different machines but with 4 cables to each machine. She had 28 cables on her altogether, she had dried blood everywhere and she looked a wreck.

As I sat down on the chair next to her everyone else slowly came in. They all had the same reaction as I did. We were all horrified and scared. Aubrey brought us all together. If it wasn't for her, she wouldn't have made her new friends as happy as they are now. Aubrey doesn't deserve this, she never has.

Everyone started walking towards Aubrey's bed, and everyone stood around it. Nobody said a word. All you could hear was the same 'beep' over and over again, you could also hear everyone's sobs and the clock 'ticking' away. It's actually quite relaxing. But still heart breaking.

Ryder: We should all name one happy memory with Aubrey in it.

Everyone smiled at how Ryder was trying to help.

Ross: The happiest memory of Aubrey, that had to be either the day she was born or the day she first sang on stage.

Everyone smiled at the memory.

Laura: The day she found out she had got rid of the cancer she had. She was so happy.

Ryder: When we play together, she always made me laugh.

Riker: When we kissed.

Everyone looked at him.

Riker: What?

Ross: That's the happiest moment you've had with Aubrey?!

Riker: To me, yes.

I clenched my hands into fists, I wanted to punch Riker but this wasn't the time. Or the place.

Rocky: Her first birthday.

Rydel: Having girl talks with her.

Stormie: Being able to call her my first grandchild.

Mark: When she first sang to us all.

Ryland: Messing around with her.

Ratliff: Watching her fist walk.

Robyn: Meeting her and letting her become my best friend.

Cameron: When we first met and then going to the ice rink.

Hunter: Helping me and Layla stay together.

Layla: Going shopping with her.

Anna: Having her help me through the tough times.

Thomas: Building the treehouse.

Avan: Always making me laugh.

Jennette: Always making me smile when my mum had died.

Ariana: Everything. I don't have one memory, only all of them.

Zendaya: When she beat cancer, that made me so happy words can't describe!

Bella: The day she stuck up for herself for the first time with that kid....Jason?

Everyone looked at Aubrey and smiled faintly, then they heard the door open and close again. Nobody turned around to see because they thought it was the doctor.

??#1: My favourite moment with Aubrey, was when she first said she loved me.

??#2: Mine, was when she broke up with me.

Everyone turned to face the two and everyone scowled at them.

??#1: Look, I know you're mad at us. But I came here because I heard what happened to A. And I still like her. Fuck that, I love her!

??#1 turned to face ??#2.

??#2: I'm just here because I wanted to see her face again.

Ross clenches his fists.

Ross: Get out whilst you still can.

??#1: Ross, you must understand! I feel what you feel to Laura, but with Aubrey. Otherwise that'd just be wierd.

Laura: And kinda disturbing.

Everyone shivered at the thought.

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