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Laura and Aubrey are in the front of the car hugging eachother crying hysterically.

Aubrey: M-mum?

Laura sniffs.

Laura: Yes dear?

Aubrey: I'm so s-sorry! It's a-all my f-fault!

Aubrey cries harder.

Laura realises something.

Laura: Yea. You're right.

Laura starts getting mad.

Laura: This IS your fault! You made the love of my LIFE run away with MY SON!... Get out of my car.

Aubrey's shocked.

Aubrey: W-w-what?

Laura: I said... GET OUT OF MY CAR!

Aubrey sits there shocked that her mum screamed at her, tears running down her face.

Laura screams at her again.

Laura: NOW!

Aubrey grabs her bag, unlocks the door and runs home. Once she gets home she packs a bag with money, clothes and Uncle Rocky's gift😏 then she goes on the computer and books a flight. Once she did that she shut it all down and turned her phone off so nobody could track her. Then she writes a letter and places it on the banister.

Dear whoevers reading,

Mum kicked me out so I'm moving, that's somewhere only I know, I know it may not seem fair but it is because I caused mum and dad to split up and I'm sorry! Tell Ryder I love him and when he's older I'll come and visit him. If you're an Uncle/Aunt or grandparent I want to say thank you for everything. You've helped me through everything but I just keep getting myself into a mucking fuddle. It's safer for everyone if I just left the country now so I don't cause anymore pain... I love you all so much!

Yours sincerely,
Aubrey xxx

--With Laura--

Laura's driving around the streets looking for a man with dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes, and a young boy with brown hair and somehow green eyes. (Both Laura and Ross have brown eyes)

After driving for another hour in the pouring rain she spots them. She pulls over, jumps out of the car and runs into the building she saw them walk into a few moments earlier.

Laura: ROSS!

Laura marches up to him and takes the glass out of his hands and throws it to the floor.

Ross turns around.

Ross: Why are you here? I thought I made myself clear! We're DONE!

Laura looks around.

Laura: Not until we find my son!

Ross: Our.

Laura: Not until we find our son!

Ross: What do you mean? He's right beside m-

Ross looks down and sees no Ryder.

Ross mumbles.

Ross: Shit.

Laura slaps him around the face 5 times.


Ross: Our.


Ross shrugs.

Ross: I don't know. Maybe when I was buying my drink he left to go somewhere.

Laura: But WHERE?!


All of a sudden there was a loud scream. Everyone turned around to see a man on the floor dead and...

















...Ryder with red eyes, holding a gun.

Laura runs up to him.

Laura: Baby bo-

Laura gets cut off by Ryder strangling her.

Ross is shocked...and slightly scared.

Ross walks up to them slowly.

Ross: Ryder? Let your mum go.

Ryder's voice had changed, it had gotten deeper and scarier.

Ryder:...No. She's now my prisoner.

Laura: G-get A-au-Aubrey, Sh-she'll know w-wh-what to do.

Ross runs out of the building to try and find Aubrey.

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