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--Next Day at school--

Aubrey and Robyn walk in linking arms.

Student: Lesbians in the house!

Everyone starts calling them names.

Aubrey: For your infomation dipshit, this is school. Not a house.

Everyone ooh's at Aubrey's comment.

Aubrey: Fuck off!

Robyn: Go get a life!

That's when 3 guys in Senior year start running towards them. They tore them apart, grabbed Aubrey and ran to the gym. Robyn runs to get the rest of the crew and explain it to them. Terrance is pissed and races down the corridors towards the gym. Once they all get there they look through the door windows to see Aubrey in her gym kit about to wrestle a guy in Senior year. Terrance opens the door.

Terrance: YO!

The Senior guy looks at him.

Senior: What?

Terrance: You DONT steal her, she's taken!

Senior: Oh yea, by who?!

Terrance: By ME!

The Senior guy laughs.

Senior: Dude, I only took her because her mum worked for the CIA so I'm here to see if she fights too.

Aubrey: And I do! Can I go now?

Senior: NO! You're going to wrestle me first and then we'll see if you're good enough.

Aubrey: Good enough? Good enough for what?

Senior: To be on the Seniors wrestling team.

Anna: But that's for guys!

Aubrey: Yea, and clearly I'm not a guy.

Senior: Well I guess we're gonna need proof.

Aubrey: You know what? Fine! As long as you guys leave me alone.

Aubrey takes off her top and every guy in the rooms eyes grow wide, the girls all look down feeling embarrassed.

Terrance: Nice!

Hunter: Me likey.

Layla smacks him and runs out crying.

Hunter: Shit, later guys, I have to get my girl back.

Thomas: Later man. Good luck!

Hunter: Thanks, ima need it.

Hunter runs out looking for Layla.

Aubrey: Is that enough proof?

Senior: Y-y-yea.

Aubrey: Good, now let's get this fight over with!

The Senior circles Aubrey twice then he makes the first move. Aubrey kicks him in the stomach, he falls to his knees and Aubrey puts him in a head lock and flips back making him face plant the mat and fall unconsious. All the Seniors run up to him.

Senior#2: You made him fall unconsious!

Aubrey: Yea I did! I didn't like him.

Terrance: That's my girl!

Terrance runs over and puts him arm around her.

Terrance: Love you.

Aubrey: Love you too.

They kiss.

Senior#2: So, Aubrey. How would you feel to be Captain of the Seniors wrestling team?

Badass meets Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now