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Aubrey: Right so I'm getting outfits 1,2,4,6 and 7?

Ross: That's if you're happy with them.

Aubrey smiles.

Aubrey: I love them all!

Rocky: Each and every one of them make you look even more beautiful than you already are.

Riker: You got that right!

Ryland&Ratliff: Agreed!

Ratliff: Just get whatever you're comfortable with A.

Aubrey: Thanks Uncle Ratliff! Now, mum what else do I need?

Laura: You need stationary.

Everyone looks at her confused. Laura sighs.

Laura: Pens, pencils, ruler ect. I really want you to do well in school because when your father and I were in school we didn't give two shits about anything. But now I see that what we did is wrong and I want you to be a success!

Aubrey mumbles.

Aubrey: Let's see how you feel about me when we get home.

Aubrey's face goes white and Ryland notices.

Ryland: I'm just going to talk to A for a second!

Ryland drags Aubrey away from the others so they're somewhere private.

Ryland sighs.

Ryland: A, what wrong?

Aubrey sighs.

Aubrey: Promise not to tell anyone?

Ryland: Cross my heart hope to die!

Aubrey: You know when I got raped?

Ryland nods.

Ryland: What does that have to do with anything?

Aubrey sighs and is trying to hold back tears.

Aubrey: I'm pregnant.

Ryland: Oh SHIT! Your father will be pissed!

Aubrey: I know, that's why I'm waiting for a few months first to see if I want this baby and second to find out if I actually am pregnant.

Ryland's taking deep breaths.

Ryland: Yea, that's probably for the best!

Aubrey: So I can trust you not to tell anyone?

Ryland nods viciously.

Aubrey: Good. Now let's head back to the others so I can buy my school equipment.

Ryland: Good idea!

Ryland and Aubrey run back to the others.

Riker: Is everything ok?

Aubrey: Yea, right Ryland?

Ryland: Yea, everything's fine.

Ryland then glares at Aubrey and she hits him on the back causing him to yelp in pain.

Rocky: You ok bro?

Ryland just nods his head whilst clenching his teeth together.

--At the next shop--

Ross: Ok Aubrey, we're going to stay in the car and you can go buy the stuff you need.

Aubrey: Ok.

Aubrey walks off towards the shop then turns around and walks back. She knocks on Ross' window.

Aubrey: I have no money.

Ross chuckles.

Ross: Here's £10 go spend it on stuff you'll need.

Aubrey nods her head.

Aubrey: See you in a bit!

Everyone turns to face Ryland.

Laura: What's wrong with my baby?

Ryland: N-Nothing.

Rydel: Then why did you stutter?

Ryland: I-I di-didn't.

Ratliff: Dude, just tell us!

Ryland: I can't! I promised Aubrey! She said she'd tell you when she's ready! It's important and she's scared you'll all hate her, just give her time and space. That's my advice to you all.

Aubrey walks back to the car with a bag of school supplies and a new bag, Aubrey gets in the car and places Ryder on her lap.

Aubrey: So, what did I miss?

Ryder: Nothing, just the fact that Ryland said there's something you're going to tell us when we're ready.

Aubrey: WHAT?!

Aubrey turns around to face Ryland.

Aubrey: DUDE!

Ryland: W-what?

Aubrey: When we get home, you better run!

Ross: A, leave your Uncle alone. He's just looking out for you.

Aubrey sighs.

Aubrey: Yea yea yea, whatever.

Aubrey does the 'I got my eye on you' sign to Ryland.

Ryder: Mum! Aubrey's being rude to Uncle Ry!

Aubrey: Oh shut up you big baby!

Ross: Don't talk to your brother like that.

Laura: What do you say Aubrey?

Aubrey sighs and groans then plasters on a fake smile and goes over the top with the apology.

Aubrey: Oh Ryder I'm so sorry if I ever offended you, I never ever intend to. Would you please accept my forgiveness and love me till I die?

Ryder giggles.

Ryder: Sure, I love you sis.

Aubrey: Ditto.

Riker: Yay we're home!

Aubrey mumbles.

Aubrey: Oh joy.

Everyone walks into the house.


Everybody snaps their hands to their ears.


Laura: No need to shout!


Laura slaps Aubrey's head.

Aubrey: Ow! That hurt!

Laura: Oh shush!

Rydel: What's the family meeting about?

Laura glances at Aubrey.

Laura: I think Aubrey has something to tell us all.

Everyone turns to face Aubrey.

Aubrey smiles.

Aubrey: Yes! I bought so many nice outfits today thank you and I also bought, a bag, 5 blue pens, 5 black pens, 10 pencils a 30cm ruler ect. So dad, thank you for the £10 and Aunt Rydel, thank you for buying the outfits, they're stunning!

Aubrey runs upstairs.

Laura: AUBREY!

Aubrey walks back down.

Aubrey: Y-yea?

Ratliff: Spill.

Aubrey sighs.

Aubrey: Fine. You know when I got r-ra, you know.

Everyone nods and Aubrey chuckles nervously.

Aubrey: I'm pregnant! YAY! Bye.

And Aubrey runs upstairs.

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