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--Later that day--

Aubrey: Mum you ready to go?

Laura: A-am I a-allowed to t-talk?

Aubrey: No, so are you all ready to go home?

Laura nods.

Aubrey: Right, I'll go and get dad to keep you standing whilst I get your crutches.

Laura nods and sits on the bed.

Aubrey runs out to the car to get Ross.

Aubrey: Dad?

Ross: Yes?

Aubrey: Can you go inside and keep mum standing whilst I get her crutches?

Ross: Of course.

Ross gets out of the car and walks back into the hospital with Aubrey.

Ross: I'm really proud of you Aubrey.

Aubrey: Aw, why thank you, but what for?

Ross: For helping your mother, that's a brave thing to do, especially with the family right behind you. We must've put a lot of pressure on you.

Aubrey shrugs.

Aubrey: Kinda, but I know you all were proud of me for trying and I'm glad I succeeded because I know I haven't disappointed any of you.

They are outside Laura's room.

Aubrey: Right dad, keep her standing and don't kiss her because her breathing isn't 100% better.

Ross groans.

Ross: That's harsh, anyways you go get her crutches.

Aubrey walks off and Ross goes into her room.

Ross: Hey baby.

Laura waves her hand.

Ross: Right, let's get you standing.

Laura sits on the bed holding her arms out for Ross to pick her up.

Ross chuckles.

Ross: You're going to stand not get carried.

Laura groans.

Ross: Lazy.

Laura sticks up her middle finger.

Ross acts hurt and places his hand over his heart.

Ross: That really hurt my feelings.

Laura giggles at his stupidity.

Aubrey walks in with the crutches.

Aubrey: Right mum, you have to be in crutches until I can tell the bone in your leg is fixed. If you go a day without them you're going to have to wear them for longer. Ok?

Laura nods.

Ross: Right lets do this!

Ross and Aubrey put the crutches on Laura and the three of them start walking for the car until Aubrey's stomach fills with pain. Aubrey falls to the floor clutching her stomach.

Ross: Aubrey!

Ross kneels down with her.

Ross: You ok?

Aubrey's forehead is covered in sweat from holding back a scream from the pain.

Aubrey: N-no.

Ross: What is wrong?

Aubrey: I-I don't k-know!

Ross: Can you stand?

Aubrey tries standing but falls back down to the ground.

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