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Growing up, I was the type of kid to get everything he wanted.

My family was filthy rich and I took that to my full advantage as a kid. I especially would take advantage of the fact that I was the favorite son out of me and my three other brothers.

From whatever house I wanted, to the cars I wanted and to my stupid agreement to my ex wife.


Even her name alone gave me a fucking headache.

I shouldn't blame her. I can't blame her. I don't blame her, I would be a hypocrite if I did. Especially since I turned her into what she is now. A selfish and manipulative woman.

A business marriage agreement.

She rightfully owned the shares in her father's company. Once I learned that, I managed to push my dad into getting me to marry her. He agreed and just like that I managed to once again get something I wanted.

Once her father passed away, she gave me all her share's and her fathers company became mine.

I truly had it all. I felt on top of the fucking world

Until one day, I finally had enough.

The guilt built up so much in me that I finally blew up.

I came home one day, I finally told Amanda everything I did.

She gave zero fucks. She told me she knew about it all along. That she had a feeling.

Amanda soon took all her things, divorced me and left me alone to care for her son. The child that wasn't even mine to begin with.The child I should've never even had to deal with after she walked away.

I would've been mad at the time, but due to my guilt I thought it had served me right.

Our Son, Her son. Justin.

He was a straight A student, A perfect attendance record. He was the definition of a perfect kid.

The day his mother left. The day she left- US.

That day, he changed. He started going out to parties, skipping school, and or stopped coming home and/ started coming home with a new girl every day.

I can't say her leaving didn't affect me as well because that would be a lie. That exact day, all my shares to every single company went to my older brother.

Why? My dear loving father took everything away from me to teach me a lesson. He said that till I worked hard and found happiness in real important things that he would give me everything back.

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