➵ 11 - HUNTER

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I honestly have had the most stressful week. My head is pounding. I'm almost one-hundred percent certain that I'm experiencing a migraine. Again.

Second one within the last two days.

"I'm heading home, have a great day everyone." I tell everyone in the main office as I get my keys out from my pocket.

As I get into my car, she starts calling me. "Are you coming home yet Hunter?" She says as I hear ruffling and crying in the background.

"Yes Hazel, I just got into my car." I turn on my car and let it warm up.

"Hurry home, your son is crying a lot and waiting for you to return." She says as I hear my son's cries get louder.

"Hazel, I won't be home for another hour. Please take care of our son till I get home." I say as I pull out of the school's parking lot.

"Then how do I get him to shut the hell up!?" She yells at me through the phone. Lance's cries get louder.

"By being a mother and feeding him, changing him or letting him watch cartoons. It's not that fucking hard Hazel." I argue back as I stop at the red light. I press the button to open the stack of my camaro and grip my steering wheel.

As I look up I see Violet crossing the street a few cars in front of me. Her head is down and looking sad.

"I've done all of that already Hunter. He's getting on my fucking nerves. He won't shut up" Hazel says as I hear more movement in the background.

The stop light turns green. "Try your best and I will be home soon." I click and stop at the curve right next to Violet.

Violet looks at me and takes off her airpods "Where are you going? Need a ride?"

"No it's okay Mr. Anderson. I'm just walking home. I just need some time alone." She says as I see her quickly wipe away tears from her red cheeks.

She looked like she needed someone to comfort her. I may not be the best at comforting people but it looks like she needed it.

"Get in, I'll take you." I say as I unlock the car door.

She shakes her head and starts walking again.

"Violet. Get In." I reach over my center console and open the door for her. "Please."

She looks around and gets in without saying a word.

She closes the door and puts her backpack right beside her feet. She puts her seat belt on and looks outside the window.

I look away from her and start driving again.

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