➵ 70/71 - VIOLET (Deleted Chapter)

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"So why didn't you want to go to the movies with us again?" Kol asks as he drives me back to my dad's house.

I hear Aiden and Ethan shuffle around in the backseat and look out the window.

"Yeah, I wanted to see the movie Twilight, I've never seen it before." Ethan says from the back seat.

Kol instantly gasps. "How haven't you see like the best movie of all time!?" Kol says as he stops at a red light.

"I grew up in an extremely strict household." Ethan explains to us as Kol begins to drive again. "I was only given thirty minutes of screen time and my parents would typically pick the show." I her him sigh. "Nine out of ten of the time it was some kind of educational show or movie."

"What kind of bad parenting is that?" Kol exclaims and Ethan laughs.

"They weren't the best parents. Hell they still aren't the best parents but it sure is better than my old foster house." Ethan says and I frown.

It makes me incredibly sad every time Ethan brings up the fact that he was an orphan as a child. I could never relate to him and he hated when we "pitted" him but I genuinely felt bad.

"Jeez, well we definitely have to drive back to the movies after we drop Violet off." Kol says and I laugh.

"Because you want Ethan to watch the movie for the first time or because you want to watch the movie for the millionth time?" I state which makes Aiden and Ethan laugh.

"Hey, I can be an ass and pool over right here. Exactly eight houses away from your house. Then I'll happily drive off to the movies." He says and I laugh.

"You wouldn't." I state smugly. "My brothers and father would have your ass on a platter especially since it's so late at night."

My response causes him to roll his yes and just pull into my dad's driveway. "Get out smart ass." He says as the car comes to a complete halt and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, whatever." I laugh. "I'll see you all tomorrow." I wave goodbye to all of them after I get out of the car. "Pizza tomorrow?" I ask and they all nod.

I close the door and begin walking to the front door. "Pizza with wings and garlic bread!" I hear Ethan say from the car.

I turn back to the car and notice that his window Is completely down. He has his head out the window and he has the biggest smile on his face. "Please text me before you go to bed."

I nod. "I will, don't worry." I say then reach over to my backpack to get my house keys out.

I unlock the door and take a step inside. I then think twice and turn back around but stay in place. "Please bring me popcorn and M&M's tomorrow." I call out and they laugh.

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