➵ 42 - GARRETT

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She walked out after we asked her to break up with Justin.

She. Fucking. Walked. Out.

I'm trying to mentally process this entire situation, but I can't.

"She prefers to stay with him even though he's cheating on her." Blaise breaks the silence as he stares blankly outside the window.

We were supposed to convince her to break up with Justin today. It would've made the next steps way easier- instead she said no and walked out.

"There's more to it." Hunter says out of nowhere and I nod in agreement.

"Violet isn't usually like that- and the fact that she stated she wanted to be with him all through high school?" I state and Ashton nods.

"Blaise, she kept mentioning that she talked to you about this subject. What happened between the two of you." My words make Baise tense up.

"I basically told her the same thing." He types a few more things on the laptop then shuts it. "I have to go, Nichole planned a dinner with my parents and her's" He states as he packs up.

"Blaise, do you really want Violet or is she just a distraction from your fucked up relationship with Nichole?" Hunter asks and I shake my head.

God, please don't start another argument. I don't have the energy for this shit.

"I've liked Violet for over a year- but I've been engaged to Nicole for over two years. I won't start shit with my family if what we have with Violet won't ever lead us anywhere."

Blaise is right- one wrong move and his father can easily make sure he never gets his shares to his fathers company. Ever.

"If we manage to get Violet- will you break your engagement?" Hunter asks Blaise.

"Of course I will- without a second thought." He finishes packing up his things. "Now I really have to go, lock the door for me will one of you?" He walks straight out the door not even waiting for one of us to reply.

"If he changes his mind about leaving this harem will get smaller." Ashton jokes but I shoot him a glare. "Too soon?" He puts his hands up in defense.

Way too soon- we haven't even gotten to the damn step where we speak to her about sharing her.

"Shut up and let's go home. I need to get back to my son." Hunter says as we all stand up. "Garrett, can you lock up?" He asks me and I nod.

Once I do so- he nods back and walks out.

"Why did you agree? You did like her first after all." Ashton asks me out of nowhere.

Why did I agree to Hunter's crazy stupid plan even though I was in love with her first?

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