➵ 53 - VIOLET

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Today has been a slow and agonizing mess.

American Government with Aiden went painfully slow because of our sub for today. I literally almost dashed out of the classroom when it was over.

The leadership meeting during lunch was a painful mess, and I ended up getting a big fat migraine through it. It got so bad that I had to walk out of it.

Then to make matters worse- Stephanie and Lizzie weren't in college preparatory class so I had to be partners with someone new.

Garrett, Blaise and Ashton didn't text me the entire day. Hunter did text me once but it was only to tell me to clear my absences. I just blamed it on the fact that they are all busy doing what they have to do.

I wanted to text them but didn't. I forced myself not to. I probably shouldn't be getting clingy in the first few days of the relationship.

"Violet, why did you ask Lucas for sex?." Lizzie says as she slams my locker door shut, clearly pissed and pulls me out of my train of thought.

"What?" I ask completely confused.

"I know you're having relationship problems with Justin but don't come onto my boyfriend." She says angrily.

Stephanie suddenly also comes up to us, also pissed. "Violet, what is your fucking problem? Why did Kyle just tell me you asked him to fuck?" She stands right next to Lizzie.

"Okay what the hell?" I stare blankly at them and stand up. "I didn't ask either of your boyfriends for sex."

How the fuck did I get here?

"Clearly if both of them said it then you had to have said something. Just come clean Violet. Why bother lying?" Lizzie rolls her eyes.

"Listen, both of you. I didn't ask either of them for sex. " I try to keep my voice calm. "In fact they came onto me and asked if they could basically tag team me. Kol had to shut them up for me because of how uncomfortable I felt." They both look at each other but I keep talking.

"Yes I have been having problems with Justin but that doesn't mean I'd jump to your boyfriends as some type of comeback. I'm not like that and you both know that. Hell, I was a virgin not too long ago for crying out loud. I don't wish to sleep around" They both visually relax.

"I forgot about that, I'm sorry Violet." Stephanie says and Lizzie nods.

"I'm sorry Violet, I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. I just got pissed after Lucas told me and thought I should confront you." I shake my head after Lizzie's explanation.

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