➵ 33 - ASHTON

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"My fucking teachers assistant." I hear Blaise say as he packs up his things

"What are you going on about now?" Hunter says irritated about god knows what.

"Violet." Blaise shoves his computer into his bag. "She's my god damn teacher's assistant for 5th period." I sigh completely frustrated and Hunter shifts in his seat.

That's how Violet's name alone has made us feel. The environment in every room changes every time we speak about her or she is in the same room as us.

We've been trying to keep ourselves busy but she's everywhere we turn. It's pissing us all off. We're collectively going crazy because we know we can't have her.

Besides if we were to eventually get her- who would have her? We couldn't decide on that either. I mean what were we going to do? Roll a pair of dice?

Then to make matters worse, I hadn't had a good lay in so fucking long. I mean the last time I tried to receive a good lay I couldn't. I couldn't fuck the girl- I couldn't even let her give me a damn bolowjob.

It proved that I wanted Violet and Violet only.

Then again this morning when I saw her get out of her brother's car with Justin's assistance- the kiss they shared. It pissed me off so fucking much.

Imagine feeling jealousy towards a stupid teen boy? My friend's step son?

I felt so stupid. Just like if I myself was a stupid teen boy who was obsessing over a girl again.

"So now you're going to have to see her every morning." Hunter says which pulls me out of my train of thought.

Blaise nods. "Every fucking morning, meaning I can't fucking escape her." Blaise says as he zips up his computer bag.

I clear my throat. "It's not so bad, just keep giving her assignments outside of the class." I say as I lean against the whiteboard.

"Easier being said than done, Ashton." Blaise shifts in his chair and looks at us.

"Her skirts seem to be getting shorter and I have to rip my eyes away from her constantly." I hear Hunter mumble something but can't hear what it was. "What?" Blaise says.

"I know her shorts have been getting shorter. I bumped into her this morning." He turns off his phone and places it on the desk next to him. "She was with Kol and Aiden Laneyard. Her thighs and ass looked-" He trails off.

Yeah we were doing a terrible and shitty job in the Violet department.

"Our plan of keeping clear from her is clearly not working if we can't even look away from her for more than a fucking day." I point out- irritated as fuck.

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