➵ 26 - BLAISE

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1 year ago

I pull up into Garrett's drive away and turn off my car.

"I just got to Garrett's place. I have to let you go." I speak into my phone and hear Nichole whine.

"But baby, I miss you and I-" I hang up the phone once I see Garrett get out of his house.

I get out of my car and put my keys in my pocket. "I was beginning to think you got lost." I can't help but to laugh.

"Sorry about that, Nichole wouldn't let me leave her house." I say as I follow him into his house.

"You're still with her?" I nod.

"Are you still with Amanda?" I ask him as I sit down on one of the stools of his kitchen island.

"Yeah, she's out right now though." He hands me a beer bottle.

I take out my keys from my pocket. "What about Justin?" I ask him as I open my beer with my keys then put them back into my pocket.

"Up in his room, probably playing video games." He opens his beer bottle with the side of the kitchen counter.

Oh- he has a bottle opener on his kitchen counter. Thats smart.

"Ah okay." I take a few gulps of my beer.

Garrett turns on the TV and sets it in the NFL channel. As he's about to sit down- his phone starts ringing. "Give me a second. I'll be back." He leaves the room.

I look back up at the TV letting time go by.

The door suddenly rings and I stand up. I look out to Garrett's backyard and see him still talking on the phone.

Okay then- I guess I'll get the door.

I walk to the front door and open it. Once I do- I freeze in place.

Violet is standing on the doorstep.

She's wearing a black lace short shirt- crop top I think? And white shorts. Her thick brown perfect thighs and legs catch my attention-

God Dammit.

She looks at me and does a double take. "Oh Mr. Dawson- Hello." She smiles up at me.

Her dimples shine through her rosy cheeks. Her freckles are extremely noticeable on her cheeks. Her wavy hair is up in a ponytail- I could probably wrap it around my hand twice.

Jesus christ why was I even thinking about that?

"Hello Violet." I try to snap out of my thoughts. "What do you need?"

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